Question of the month- Ethical issues in life sciences publishing
Posted by the Node, on 28 April 2016
In the last few years, the life sciences have been plagued by cases of scientific misconduct which led to corrections, retractions and, to some extent, in a lack of trust on the scientific record. This has encompassed a variety of issues, from manipulation to fabrication of data, from inappropriate use of statistics (unintentional or otherwise) to the inability to reproduce results, from authorship disputes to plagiarism. Some of these practices are clearly misconduct, while others may have become almost common practice under the current publishing and funding pressures. Which of these do you think is most widespread? Which do the most damage? And what can we do to prevent them? This month we are asking:
What do you think are the biggest ethical issues in life science publishing at the moment?
Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below! You can comment anonymously if you prefer. We are also collating answers on social media via this Storify. And if you have any ideas for future questions please drop us an email!