Question of the month- patenting public research
Posted by the Node, on 29 January 2016
Last week the Montreal Neurological Institute announced that it will become the first fully Open Science academic institute. In addition to making their results and data available for free upon publication, this initiative also includes a commitment not to register patents on any of their discoveries. This announcement comes in contrast with the ongoing heated dispute on who should hold the patent for CRISPR. In light of these two opposing views, this month we are asking:
Should scientists and institutes be allowed to patent research performed with public funds?
Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below! You can comment anonymously if you prefer. We are also collating answers on social media via this Storify. And if you have any ideas for future questions please drop us an email!
This discussion is well under way on Twitter! Make sure to check out this Storify of the discussion, and feel free to share your thoughts here or on Twitter!