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developmental and stem cell biologists

#stemcellfacts – Tweeting stem cell research

Posted by , on 16 February 2012

Twitter logoAt the start of February, EuroStemCell used our Twitter page @eurostemcell in a new way: We posted a series of fascinating facts and ‘test your knowledge’ questions about stem cells, using the hashtag #stemcellfacts. The tweets covered a lot of ground, from embryonic stem cells and blastocysts to skin stem cells, gut stem cells, heart cells and regeneration.

Thanks to Kate Blair for developing the #stemcellfacts concept and researching the content for the 30 tweets. You can see all the tweets collated with responses from other tweeters in our Storify summary.

We’ve got off to a flying start in 2012 with lots of other activities too – new blogs, translation into Italian, new educational tools and articles about embryonic stem cells. Find out more in our February newsletter. And as ever, we’re keen to hear you feedback at

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