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Posted by Alfonso Ferrández, on 23 May 2017
The recent bloom of genomic data from all of life’s kingdoms is revealing a novel perspective of gene loss as a pervasive source of genetic variation with a great potential ...Posted by tjcarrier, on 21 March 2017
Hello, my name is Tyler Carrier and I am a second year PhD student in the laboratory of Adam Reitzel at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Broadly speaking, ...Posted by isabelalmudi, on 5 January 2017
I am Isabel Almudi, a postdoctoral researcher in Fernando Casares’ lab, at the Andalusian Centre for Developmental Biology (CABD) in Seville, Spain. In the lab we are focused on studying ...Posted by YuuriY, on 8 November 2016
Hi, I’m Yuuri Yasuoka, a postdoc in the Marine Genomics Unit at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST). Okinawa is a subtropical Japanese island surrounded by ...Posted by Burkhardt Group, on 1 September 2016
Who are we? Hi, my name is Ruairi Kavanagh and I’m a Master’s student at Plymouth University. For my dissertation I am based in The Marine Biological Association (MBA). I ...Posted by emiliolanna, on 24 August 2016
Forget about those large amounts of bottles containing thousands of flies, those huge piles of boxes containing different lineages of mice or large tanks filled with happy-hopping frogs. Also, forget ...Posted by Yhamada, on 14 July 2016
I am Yoshimasa Hamada, a Research Fellow in Okayama University Graduate School in Japan, working with Prof. Kenji Tomioka, Prof. Hideyo Ohuchi, Prof. Sumihare Noji and Dr. Tetsuya Bando. Our ...Posted by martin.m, on 21 June 2016
My name is Martin Minařík and I am a PhD student in Robert Cerny’s lab at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. Our lab focuses mostly on the development of ...Posted by AaronHarnsberger, on 15 March 2016
I am Aaron Harnsberger, a second year Master’s degree student in the Department of Biological Sciences at Idaho State University in Pocatello, Idaho. The focus of this lab is on ...Posted by Daniel_Leite, on 17 February 2016
We (Anna Schönauer, Daniel Leite and Christian Bonatto) are PhD students in Alistair McGregor’s group ( at Oxford Brookes University, and it is a pleasure to briefly present our research ...