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Posted by UChicagoDRSB_JC, on 1 November 2013
Greetings, Node readers! We at The University of Chicago have just resumed our yearly Development, Regeneration and Stem Cell Biology Journal Club. I would like to take this opportunity to ...Posted by Katherine Brown, on 3 October 2013
Development is now on Facebook! The journal promotes many of its papers and other content not only via its home page and email alerts, but also via its Twitter account. We use ...Posted by Ewart Kuijk, on 1 October 2013
Stuck! Here I was trapped in this valley with no way out. And it was crowded here, with all of my fibers I sensed numerous peers condemned to a similar ...Posted by the Node, on 13 August 2013
This interview first appeared in Development. François Guillemot heads the Division of Molecular Neurobiology at the MRC National Institute of Medical Research (NIMR) in London. His research focuses on the transcriptional control ...Posted by CMDooley, on 17 May 2013
It took longer than the human genome, if by only a few years, but it has finally arrived. The sequencing of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) genome reported in Howe ...Posted by Savraj Grewal, on 20 March 2013
Post-doctoral and PhD positions are available in the lab of Savraj Grewal, University of Calgary, Canada. ( The main focus of the lab is to study the control of growth ...Posted by Katherine Brown, on 13 December 2012
The Company of Biologists and its journal Development are seeking to appoint a new Community Manager to run its successful community website the Node and the journal’s social media activities. ...Posted by Olivier Pourquie, on 4 December 2012
This editorial by Development Editor-in-Chief Olivier Pourquié appears in the current issue of Development. It seems most appropriate to start this editorial by congratulating the 2012 winners of the Nobel ...Posted by Katherine Brown, on 6 November 2012
Here at Development, and at our sister journal Disease Models and Mechanisms, we are currently advertising two editorial positions. Within the Development team, we are seeking to recruit a new ...Posted by Katherine Brown, on 6 November 2012
Associate Reviews Editor (Stem Cells) Development Based in Cambridge, UK Applications are sought for a new role of Associate Reviews Editor for the stem cell field at Development. Joining an ...