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Posted by YuuriY, on 8 November 2016
Hi, I’m Yuuri Yasuoka, a postdoc in the Marine Genomics Unit at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST). Okinawa is a subtropical Japanese island surrounded by ...Posted by Raman Das, on 17 October 2016
Applications are invited from highly motivated and enthusiastic individuals for a BBSRC DTP funded PhD position in the laboratory of Dr. Raman Das at the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and ...Posted by aprilcraft, on 10 October 2016
We are looking for an outstanding, highly motivated postdoctoral fellow to join our innovative young department in the stem cell and regenerative medicine-focused laboratory of Dr. April Craft, Assistant Professor ...Posted by IRBBarcelona, on 3 October 2016
From today and until Wednesday, 150 scientists from around the world will debate plasticity and cell migration in the new gathering in the Barcelona Biomed Conference Series, organised by IRB ...Posted by Navajas, on 1 August 2016
“My dear, here we must run as fast as we can, just to stay in place. And if you wish to go anywhere you must run twice as fast as ...Posted by cdemers, on 5 July 2016
Unraveling Development Embryonic development is a complex and regulated spatiotemporal ensemble of signaling cues that control cell differentiation. Most of what we now know comes from experimenting directly on embryos. ...Posted by Vicki Metzis, on 29 June 2016
Last month saw the return of the Young Embryologist Network annual meeting held this year at the UCL Institute of Child Health. To settle into the long weekend, a number ...Posted by tonilhill, on 11 August 2015
The Department of Developmental Biology at Washington University School of Medicine invites applications for a Biomedical Informatics Assistant. The Department of Developmental Biology is a dynamic research community, with interests ...Posted by guojun, on 21 April 2015
The 7th International EMT Meeting will be held in Melbourne, Australia in October 2015. The meeting has been a key venue for bringing together developmental, cell and cancer biologists and ...Posted by Qiling Xu, on 20 April 2015
The MRC National Institute for Medical Research has celebrated its centenary in 2014. On 1st April 2015 NIMR ceased to exist, as it became part of the new Francis Crick ...