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developmental and stem cell biologists
Displaying posts with the tag: is_archive

Obituary: Julian Hart Lewis (1946-2014)

Posted by , on 25 June 2014

This obituary first appeared in Development.   Paul Martin and David Ish-Horowicz look back on the life and work of their long-time friend and colleague Julian Lewis, who passed away on April 30th ...

Matthew H. Kaufman (1942-2013) – mouse developmental anatomist

Posted by , on 7 October 2013

This post was first published in Development.   Jonathan Bard, long-time colleague and friend in Edinburgh, recalls the life and work of the mouse developmental anatomist Matt Kaufman, who died in ...

Mike Gaze (1925-2012)

Posted by , on 1 October 2012

We recently learned that Mike Gaze passed away last month. In addition to running a research group working on the development of the visual system in Xenopus and heading up ...

Ernest McCulloch 1926-2011

Posted by , on 27 January 2011

Last week (January 19), stem cell pioneer Ernest McCulloch died at the age of 84. Together with James Till, McCulloch discovered stem cells in the 1960s. For their work, the ...

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