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Posted by the Node, on 16 February 2017
Each year the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) recognises the stem cell researchers driving the field forward in their annual awards. You can learn more about the awards here, ...Posted by BryonyL, on 8 February 2017
Young Embryologist Network 9th Annual Conference. 9th May 2017 at the Institute of Child Health, UCL, London. This year, YEN is honoured to have Dr Darren Gilmour from EMBL Heidelberg present the Sammy Lee ...Posted by kocurrie, on 12 January 2017
Comment on “Neuronal sources of hedgehog modulate neurogenesis in the adult planarian brain”, eLife 2016;5:e19735. Currie et al., eLife (2016) Ko W. Currie, Cellular Neurobiology, Institut de recherches cliniques de ...Posted by the Node, on 11 January 2017
In September 2016, Development held its second meeting dedicated to human development. You can read about the meeting in a review by April Craft and Matthew Johnson in this week’s issue, ...Posted by Nicola_Festuccia, on 18 November 2016
The story behind our recent paper (Festuccia et al., Nature Cell Biology 2016) started with a serendipitous observation made in a small room of the ISCR (Institute for Stem ...Posted by AlessandroDonada, on 14 November 2016
The first news came as a shock: so the British Railways are not always perfectly on time? For an Italian, that was a massive cultural shock. The second one was even more surprising: English weather ...Posted by Christopher Arnold, on 30 September 2016
Commentary on Pathogenic shifts in endogenous microbiota impede tissue regeneration via distinct activation of TAK1/MKK/p38 in eLife 2016; 5: e16793 DOI: During our research as biologists we endure ...Posted by the Node Interviews, on 26 September 2016
Today we feature an upcoming paper in Cell Stem Cell that investigates the role of Schwann cell precursors in the multi-tissue regeneration of the adult mammalian distal digit tip. We caught up with lead ...Posted by tschwarz-romond, on 26 August 2016 Sense & Sensibility: niche signals regulate neural stem cells in an age-dependent manner paper feature by Thomas Schwarz-Romond Tissue specific stem cell niches provide lifelong support for adult stem ...Posted by Laralynne, on 23 August 2016
Controlling differentiation using biophysical cues from development Embryonic stem cells have the potential to become any cell type in the adult organism, but coaxing them to a specific fate continues ...