The community site for and by
developmental and stem cell biologists

the Node researcher database survey

Posted by , on 23 July 2019

This survey is now closed. If you missed it but would still like to share your thoughts, just email

The Node is planning to launch a database of developmental and stem cell biologists. The idea is to help people organising conferences, assembling committees and seeking speakers/referees to identify individuals that might not otherwise have come to mind. We believe this is particularly important to help promote diversity in our field and at our conferences.

This initiative has been inspired by efforts such as Anne’s List (for female neuroscientists) and DiversifyEEB (for female and under-represented minority ecologists and evolutionary biologists) but aims to be fully inclusive – we will welcome entries from any member of the developmental and stem cell biology community. The database will list the entrant’s scientific field, place of work and career stage, and can also provide information on aspects of diversity such as gender, race/ethnicity, LGBTQ+ identity and disability status. Given the potentially sensitive nature of such information (some of these data are defined as ‘sensitive’ by EU data protection regulations and therefore are subject to greater protection), it will be provided on a purely voluntary basis. We are also aware that there are many aspects of diversity not covered by these categories, and hope to give entrants the opportunity to provide relevant information as they choose.

We hope that such a database will provide a valuable resource for the community, and in order to ensure that it best suits your needs, we want to survey community opinion on how best to move forward. The survey is anonymous (though you can provide an email address if you wish to be contacted in the future), and all questions are optional (only answer those questions you feel comfortable answering). The survey is open to everyone in the developmental and stem cell biology community.

You can fill out the survey here:


Survey closes Sunday 11 August


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