Two years of the Node Network
Posted by the Node, on 25 January 2022
In January 2020 we launched the Node Network and now, two years later, we are delighted to announce that we have over 1000 members from 44 different countries. Read on to find out more about how our global directory of developmental and stem cell biologists can help you.

What is the Node Network?
The Node Network is a directory of developmental and stem cell biologists and is designed to help those organising meetings, assembly committees, seeking speakers or looking for referees to identify individuals who would not otherwise come to mind.
Who is the Network for?
The Node Network is entirely inclusive – anyone from the developmental and stem cell biology community, at any career stage, can add themselves to the directory to become members of the Network. Likewise, anyone searching for reviewers, speakers or committee members can register to access the directory. Users can perform searches based on scientific field, model organism and place of work, but also on aspects of diversity such as gender, race/ethnicity, LGBTQ+ identity and disability status that members can choose to share if they wish.
Why should you sign up?
We caught up with some of our members and users to find out how and why they use the network:
“I often turn to the Node Network to help me identify referees for papers I handle at Development. It’s allowed me to select referees that I wouldn’t normally think of and to find really great ECR referees.” – James Briscoe, Editor-in-chief at Development
“Having a directory of colleagues is useful, whether you are looking for someone in particular or searching for specific keywords/discipline. In combination with the Node, it is a way for junior scientists to share their views and open discussions with peers, which is a precious way of keeping in touch in those times.” – Gaëlle Recher, Permanent Researcher, Biof lab, CNRS
“Postdocs are some of the most reliable reviewers around, but they are not always easy to spot online. The Node Network makes it easy to find and contact postdocs with appropriate expertise, providing a diverse pool of potential paper referees.” – Miguel Branco, QMUL, Editor for PLoS ONE and Epigenetics Communications
“I frequently use the Node Network to expand my referee pool so that the opportunities to peer review are spread more equally between all members of the research community. It’s also a great resource to find potential authors from whom I could commission articles.” – Alex Eve, Reviews Editor at Development
When can I signed up?
Sign up now for access and entry into the Node Network:
Birthday celebrations
As part of the birthday celebrations, we are running a ‘Promoting yourself as an ECR’ event hosted by FocalPlane, the Node Network and preLights on Wednesday 23 February at 3pm GMT. Come along and listen to the discussions with our panellists and find out more about the Node Network from our Community Manager and Development Editors. If you can’t make the event and have any feedback or suggestions of how we can improve the Node Network send us an email at