Vote for a Development cover – we have a winner!
Posted by the Node, on 6 June 2018
Two weeks ago we set up our latest competition to vote for an image to adorn the cover of a future Development issue. The images were taken by students of the International Course on Developmental Biology, an EMBO Practical Course held at the Marine Biology Station of Quintay in Chile.
Voting has just closed, and with precisely 800 votes counted, we can now reveal the top three –
3rd Place (17% of the votes)
Sea anemone by Maria Belen Palacios
2nd Place (26% of the votes)
Drosophila by Eugene Tine
1st Place (36% of the votes)
Drosophila by Soraya Villaseca

Congratulations to Soraya, and thanks to the other competitors Maria Belen Palacios, Eugene Tine, Luiza Saad and Estefanía Sánchez Vásquez. Look out for Soraya’s image on a Development cover later this year!