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Posted by the Node, on 26 January 2016
Here is some developmental biology-related content from other journals published by The Company of Biologists. Characterisation of Slc9a6 knockout heterozygous female mice Mutations in SLC9A6 are responsible for X-linked Christianson ...Posted by, on 26 January 2016
A new 3D viewer that allows interactive visualisation of mouse embryo anatomy is now available from the eMouseAtlas website ( A slice viewer allows visualisation of anatomy on arbitrary section ...Posted by Mommersteeg, on 25 January 2016
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Scientist to join Professor Mathilda Mommersteeg’s laboratory to work on a project focussed on characterising the role of the Slit-Robo signalling pathway in ...Posted by Beatrice Steinert, on 25 January 2016
Today, when we want to capture an image given by the microscope we can either snap a photograph of it or obtain a computer-generated image. But prior to when ...Posted by JC, on 20 January 2016
Pluripotency is the developmental potential of cells to become various types of mature cells in the body. During development, a pluripotent embryo progressively differentiates to give rise to mature cell ...Posted by Christina James-Zorn, on 20 January 2016
A Postdoctoral Research Position is available to study Gene Regulatory Networks controlling organogenesis, specifically of the digestive and respiratory systems, using Xenopus and Human ES cells. You will join a ...Posted by the Node, on 20 January 2016
This interview first featured in Development. Peter Lawrence, FRS, is a fly geneticist based at the Department of Zoology at the University of Cambridge. During his illustrious career he ...Posted by Seema Grewal, on 20 January 2016
Here are the highlights from the current issue of Development: Fishing out a role for Caveolin 1 in heart regeneration Unlike the adult mammalian heart, the adult zebrafish heart ...Posted by the Node, on 18 January 2016
Every year, students from the Woods Hole Embryology course produce some stunning images. It’s now time for readers of the Node to vote which of images from the 2014 Woods Hole ...Posted by Tsonis, on 17 January 2016
Konstantinos Sousounis and Panagiotis A. Tsonis The human eye is built to deliver the sense of vision. The eye lens is one of the organs playing role in focusing ...