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Posted by Eric Lai, on 12 September 2017
We have openings for 2 motivated postdoctoral fellows with strong Drosophila molecular genetics experience and interest in integrative strategies to join our team. Project 1. miRNA biology in the nervous ...Posted by KalinDN, on 12 September 2017
Hello, Community! In July, I revealed to the world my attempts at scientific illustration. Aidan (The Node’s Community Manager) took a keen interest in my work and was very kind ...Posted by Noami Dayan, on 12 September 2017
We are looking for a postdoctoral candidate with a strong developmental biology/cell signaling background and/or a biological image processing background to study the cellular and molecular mechanisms of lumenogenesis and ...Posted by EdMorrissey, on 8 September 2017
Grade 7: £31,604 – £38,833 p.a. Applications are invited for the new position of Postdoctoral Scientist in Quantitative Biology of Cell Fate and Tissue Dynamics. We seek a highly motivated, ...Posted by IRBBarcelona, on 8 September 2017
Researchers from the Development and Growth Control Laboratory at IRB Barcelona have identified the cell types and molecular mechanism responsible for the unlimited growth potential of epithelial tumours (carcinomas) and ...Posted by Piet van Vliet, on 7 September 2017
Positions for Students (MSc and PhD) and Postdoctoral Research Fellows in Cardiovascular Genetics Positions are available in the laboratory of Dr. Gregor Andelfinger at the CHU Sainte Justine Research Center, ...Posted by Noami Dayan, on 7 September 2017
The position will provide bioinformatics support, develop new pipelines, and organize practical courses to help our scientists analyze and interpret their next-generation sequencing (NGS) data. Bioinformatics position in the new ...Posted by ADSA, on 6 September 2017
Our lab studies the early events of craniofacial development using teleost fish, zebrafish (Danio rerio) and Mexican tetra fish (Astyanax mexicanus) as model animals. We are particularly focused on evolution ...Posted by Jonathan Lawson, on 6 September 2017
This article is recent news from the Babraham Institute in Cambridge, view the original post here and the Nature Communications research paper here. Deciding to start a family later in ...Posted by Margaret, on 5 September 2017
Written By: Margaret Frank, Ora Hazak, Samuel Leiboff, Heike Lindner, Concepcion Manzano, Lena Mueller, Michael Raissig, Annis Richardson, Adam Runions, Sebastian Soyk A systems biology approach to understanding development ...