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Posted by staceykogden1, on 8 February 2018
A postdoctoral position is available to study mechanisms of Sonic Hedgehog signal transduction in Stacey Ogden’s lab at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN. The successful candidate will join ...Posted by the Node Interviews, on 7 February 2018
The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) was conceived in 2012 at an ASCB meeting, and has since its launch in 2013 has garnered thousands of signatories from individuals and ...Posted by Claudio Stern, on 6 February 2018
Primary supervisor: Professor Claudio Stern FMedSci FRS, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, University College London Project title: “Dynamics of cell behaviour during somite formation” A studentship funded by ...Posted by Ashrifia Adomako-Ankomah, on 5 February 2018
For both young and established developmental biologists considering their next career move, choosing a model system with which to answer one’s research questions is a big decision. Of course, the ...Posted by Katharine Goodwin, on 2 February 2018
The deadline to apply for the 2018 Mouse Development, Stem Cells & Cancer course at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) is March 15th. If you don’t know much about the ...Posted by the Node, on 2 February 2018
Our latest monthly trawl for developmental biology (and other cool) preprints. Let us know if we missed anything. Here at the Company of Biologists we are very excited about our ...Posted by Joachim Goedhart, on 1 February 2018
Recently, Nature published my correspondence “Dispense with redundant P values”. It highlights my concern that p-values are often calculated because “everybody does it”. This reminded me of the mechanical repetition ...