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Posted by Nico Posnien, on 24 January 2018
In our recently published work, we applied dynamic genome wide expression profiling of eye-antennal imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster to reveal Hunchback as central factor in retinal glia cell development. ...Posted by BSDB, on 24 January 2018
The BSDB recently initiated an advocacy campaign, starting with (1) the gradual development of the best arguments that can be used as elevator pitches in discussions, presentations, applications or publications, ...Posted by the Node, on 24 January 2018
This two-week Institut Pasteur course combines lectures and practical sessions that incorporate leading edge technologies to address questions in stem cells biology in the context of organogenesis and regeneration in ...Posted by the Node, on 23 January 2018
In April, The Company of Biologists is hosting a workshop ‘Cellular gateways: expanding the role of endocytosis in plant development‘, organised by Jenny Rusinova, Takashi Ueda and Daniel van Damme. ...Posted by Emma Rawlins, on 23 January 2018
Wellcome Trust Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute and Wellcome Trust/MRC Stem Cell Institute Salary – £25,728 – £29,799 or £31,604 – £38,833 Closing date: 16th February, 2018 Applications are ...Posted by CENTURI Living Systems, on 22 January 2018
CENTURI seeks to attract outstanding physicists, mathematicians or computer scientists with a theoretical and/or computational biology project. The selected candidates, who are expected to bridge biology and other disciplines will ...Posted by ELISA Genie, on 19 January 2018
Hi Guys, Over the past fews years I’ve done a lot of SciComm and really enjoyed everything I learned and all the experiences I got from running PhD websites and ...Posted by Andreas Prokop, on 19 January 2018
Prof. Matthew Cobb (The University of Manchester) Plenary talk given at the School of Biological Sciences symposium on Friday, 12 January 2018 Matthew Cobb is an inspiring advocate and communicator ...Posted by David Kimelman, on 19 January 2018
In our recently published paper, we discovered that the Hippo pathway transcription factors have an unexpected role in creating the conditions for the zebrafish body to extend posteriorly during embryogenesis, ...Posted by CENTURI Living Systems, on 19 January 2018
CENTURI aims at recruiting postdocs willing to work in an interdisciplinary life-science environment. This year, we will recruit postdocs on the interdisciplinary projects that are listed below. List of ...