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developmental and stem cell biologists

News roundup

Posted by , on 31 January 2011

Just a quick roundup of some interesting bits of news.

Embryo research in France
This one’s rather interesting to read together with the interview with Margaret Buckingham we posted last week. France has very strict regulations in place for research on embryos or ESCs. Now, Nature reports that researchers in France are urging their government to authorize ESC/embryo research.
(This will be an interesting story to follow. If you’re in France, are you affected by this regulation? If so, would you like to write about it on the Node? Get in touch if you’d like to keep your colleagues around the world in the loop.)

EMBO installation grants
In December, EMBO announced that they’ve awarded Installation Grants to six researchers, allowing them to set up research groups in the Czech Republic, Poland, Portugal and Turkey. Many of the recipients are working, or have worked, in areas related to developmental biology: Szymon Świeżewski and Tomasz Wilanowski set up labs in Poland to study ncRNA-based gene regulation and Grainyhead-like transcription factors respectively. Alena Krejčí is starting a group in the Czech Republic to study Notch signalling in cellular metabolism, after a postdoc with Sarah Bray in Cambridge, and Cory Dunn moved to Turkey to work on mitochondrial DNA damage after a postdoc with Iva Greenwald at Columbia.

Research Blogging
We found a nice blog post about a Development paper on the Sanford-Burnham blog, with interviews with the authors. It’s also listed on Research Blogging – a site that indexes blog posts about peer reviewed research.
If you search for “developmental biology” on Research Blogging, you’ll find a few familiar posts, as we use this on the Node as well. We love to hear your stories behind papers (in any journal), and if you don’t have your own (or institutional) blog, you’re more than welcome to use the Node to show off your work.

Heard any other news that the Node should cover? Please sign up and post it yourself, to prevent delays

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Categories: Funding, News, Research

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