The community site for and by
developmental and stem cell biologists

Joyce Yu

I joined the Node as the Community Manager in April 2023. Prior to that, I was working in the Science Communications team at Alzheimer's Research UK. My scientific background was in cell and developmental biology, looking at Wnt signalling and planar cell polarity in fruit flies.


Posts by Joyce Yu

Rediscover 14 years of content on the Node

Posted by , on 20 May 2024

Introducing the Node’s new search and filter function.

An afternoon in the museum with an exploded skull and a 3.5m python skeleton

Posted by , on 19 March 2024

The people and the research behind the exhibition ‘Growing a backbone’ at the University Museum of Zoology (Cambridge, UK).

Poorly coiled frog guts help scientists unravel prevalent human birth anomaly

Posted by , on 22 February 2024

Scientists from North Carolina State University have used a herbicide to discover that disrupting metabolism could derail a series of cellular events required for proper elongation and rotation of the ...

Papa, how do shells twist?

Posted by , on 12 February 2024

Find out about developmental biologist Luisma Escudero's illustrated book “Papá ¿cómo se enroscan las caracolas?”, where Luisma and his three children go on a walk to discover the scutoid shape ...

A flipbook of zebrafish embryogenesis

Posted by , on 3 January 2024

A 'flipbook' of zebrafish embryogenesis in the 1996 issue of Development.

Recent comments by Joyce Yu

Added - thanks Evan!
by Joyce Yu in February in preprints on March 6, 2024
I'd also like to point the readers to this fantastic and honest interview with Kelly Stevens: "Prioritizing diversity will help all of us"
by Joyce Yu in Navigating a research career with a disability on September 6, 2023