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developmental and stem cell biologists

Nishal Patel

Posts by Nishal Patel

Biotechnique's Lab Grammys 2012

Posted by , on 8 March 2012

The Grammy Awards are held every year to celebrate the best of the music industry, however, they seem to miss one crucial catergory – the Science Parody. The Biotechnique’s website ...

Naturally Obsessed: The Making of a Scientist

Posted by , on 5 March 2012

I recently saw a documentary about graduate students called Naturally Obsessed: The Making of a Scientist (available to watch here). It’s hour long movie follows several PhD students from Lawrence ...

Freeware for scientists

Posted by , on 6 February 2012

After commenting on a previous post, I’ve decided to make my own post about freeware I use regularly that other scientists might find useful. All of these are available for ...

Map of Life: A guide to convergent evolution

Posted by , on 4 May 2011

The Map of Life is a recently published guide to convergent evolution produced by the University of Cambridge that has been touring science festivals and events across the world. It ...

Student associations

Posted by , on 11 November 2010

I’m Nish, a 3rd year PhD student in Kate Storey’s lab at the University of Dundee. Over the past year, I’ve been involved in running PiCLS, the PhD association here ...

Recent comments by Nishal Patel

I wonder about the feasibility of a 6-month (or at least a lengthy period of time) press embargo. It would give time for the scientific community to digest and analyse the paper and it's impact in the field.
by Nishal Patel in From bench to newspaper on February 21, 2015
Also I just found out that if you sign up to beta-test Dropbox's photo uploader, they give you 5GB free!
by Nishal Patel in Freeware for scientists on February 6, 2012
I'm a PhD student shared between two labs in two cities. I find Dropbox a handy way to share data/documents. It's a web-based file sharing system, so you can access things from any computer and can be shared with anyone you choose. Maybe the Node could have a little section on handy freeware for scientists?
by Nishal Patel in Would you use a digital lab notebook? on February 1, 2012
Embryo, pattern(ing), lineage, vertebrate, fate.
by Nishal Patel in Let’s make a developmental biology bingo game! on December 5, 2011
I like the behind the scenes stories. They're very interesting and it's nice to read an analysis of a paper from the prospective of how the work was done. They're a nice new addition to the Node.
by Nishal Patel in Help me select some Node highlights on May 19, 2011