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Posted by Eva Amsen, on 18 October 2012
Just a reminder that registration for Development‘s 25th anniversary symposium “Past, Present and Future” is closing at the end of this week. By Monday, the venue will need to know ...Posted by Kif Liakath-Ali, on 17 October 2012
Despite the fact that I write this meeting post after three weeks of the summer school, I feel as though I’m writing directly from the Hydra Island, the experience and ...Posted by sjd, on 8 October 2012
The Hydra Summer School presents a unique opportunity to young scientists in the field of stem cell research to engage with leading experts and peers alike. Set on an idyllic ...Posted by Nicole Gorfinkiel, on 6 October 2012
In the middle of the worst political and financial turmoil Spain is experiencing since the return of its young democracy, the 1st Spanish Conference on the Molecular, Cellular and Developmental ...Posted by Eva Amsen, on 2 October 2012
The last two days of the EMBO meeting were quite busy, with lots of interesting plenary talks, concurrent sessions, and special symposia. On Monday evening two interesting non-biology talks were ...Posted by Teisha Rowland, on 30 September 2012
International Stem Cell Awareness Day is October 3, 2012, so on this day please help spread the word about the importance of stem cell research! For more information on this ...Posted by Eva Amsen, on 24 September 2012
Biology is studied at different levels of size: molecules, cells, organisms, and entire ecosystems. The second day of the EMBO meeting covered all of these. The plenary opening session on ...Posted by cbailey, on 24 September 2012
Hello Everyone, I represent one of two PhD students from the lab of Dr Kim Dale at the University of Dundee currently engaged in designing an exhibit for the new ...Posted by Eva Amsen, on 23 September 2012
The fourth annual EMBO meeting is currently underway in Nice. I had a few hours to walk around the city before the meeting started, and discovered that Nice is a ...Posted by Katherine Brown, on 12 September 2012
The Olympics and the Paralympics may be over, but there’s still time for sporting success this year, albeit on a rather smaller scale. The 2012 World Cell Race is on. ...