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Posted by Katherine Brown, on 29 August 2012
To celebrate our 25th Anniversary (see here for some memories of the last quarter century of the journal), and to look forward to the next 25 years, Development ...Posted by Katherine Brown, on 15 August 2012
I’ve just returned from this year’s Santa Cruz Developmental Biology meeting. Some of you may have seen the tweets I was sending out from there (see Storify for the collected ...Posted by the Node, on 30 July 2012
You’ve probably already read Patricia Gongal’s summary of the recent SDB meeting (and if not, go do that now!) but many others have also reported from Montreal through Twitter. We’ve ...Posted by Patricia Gongal, on 23 July 2012
Montreal is open and friendly, and this spirit was captured by the 71st annual SDB meeting that just wrapped up in this great city. The conference atmosphere was relaxed and ...Posted by manuela truebano, on 22 July 2012
I take on the story where my colleagues left it, one week now after leaving MBL and the embryology course behind. Settled into my normal life, I look back and ...Posted by Priti Roy, on 6 July 2012
The most striking realization I have had over the course of last four weeks spent at MBL, Woods Hole is how limitless is the scientific spirit . Pioneers of classical ...Posted by Eva Amsen, on 4 July 2012
Last week, I attended the “Growing a Human Part” talk at the Royal Institution, with talks by John Gurdon and Helen Blau. You can read the announcement on the Node, ...Posted by dnadave, on 3 July 2012
Reflecting on all the great talks over the course of four days, this meeting has been one of the most enjoyable I’ve been to – I’m sure it was due ...Posted by Gi Fay Mok, on 3 July 2012
This year’s limb conference was held on the 3-7 June at the scenic Mont-Tremblant, Quebec in Canada hosted at Le Grand Lodge hotel. During the winter, it is one of ...Posted by Claire Cox, on 2 July 2012
Stem cells are often in the media and are promoted as wonder cells that can solve the problems of most diseases. The stories told throughout this film give the story ...