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Posted by the Node, on 25 July 2023
Submit to have your images or artwork featured in the joint BSDB-the Node virtual art exhibition!Posted by Reinier Prosee, on 11 July 2023
Reflections on a social media workshop that was part of the Society for Experimental Biology Centenary Conference 2023.Posted by James Briscoe, on 6 July 2023
After a pandemic related hiatus the MBL Gene regulatory networks (GRNs) course at Woods Hole is back. It’s been refreshed with new course directors and faculty and is better than ...Posted by Frank Schubert, on 4 July 2023
The abstract submission deadline for the 11th Avian Model Systems meeting, 11-14 September 2023 in Portsmouth, UK, as been extended to 21 July 2023. The conference will for the first ...Posted by Heidi Lempradl, on 22 June 2023
Looking forward to welcome you to our EMBO Workshop – Developmental metabolism: flows of energy, matter, and informationPosted by Sally Lowell, on 21 June 2023
If you can’t attend the European Developmental Biology Congress in person this September, why not organise a local Watch Party? Excitement is ramping up for the European Developmental Biology Congress ...Posted by Dario Lupiañez, on 23 May 2023
We are happy to announce the 2nd edition of the EMBO workshop “The Evolution of Animal Genomes”. The event will take place in Seville (Spain), from 18-21 September 2023 (Registration ...Posted by James Briscoe, on 18 May 2023
Calling all developmental biology postdocs and graduate students! Interested in attending an exciting meeting? Want to expand your dev bio network? Want to present your work to a supportive audience? ...Posted by Sergio Menchero, on 13 April 2023
A new edition of the annual Young Embryologist Network conference (YEN 2023) will be hosted at the Francis Crick Institute, in London, on the 22nd of May 2023. YEN conferences, ...Posted by Alexandra Bisia, on 10 March 2023
On Thursday 23 February I visited the Crick Institute in London to see their new exhibition, Cut + Paste, and to meet the organisers. Cut + Paste is an interactive ...