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Posted by Erin M Campbell, on 7 December 2011
Satellite cells are muscle stem cells that regenerate injured muscle (remember this earlier post?). They are highly motile cells that may be able to travel in order to repair injured ...Posted by the Node, on 29 November 2011
And here it is: the last of the desktop wallpaper calendars. In June we celebrated our first birthday, and decided to give all our readers a virtual gift. It ended ...Posted by Erin M Campbell, on 10 November 2011
Next time you curse your hair for your bad hair day, consider thanking it instead. The hair follicle has populations of stem cells that aid in skin regeneration after injury, ...Posted by the Node, on 28 October 2011
It’s that time of the month again, when we upload the desktop calendar for next month. This time an image that you may remember from April – either from the ...Posted by Erin M Campbell, on 12 October 2011
There are so many factors for a stem cell to consider when deciding cell fates. A recent paper from Development discusses how the age of a stem cell can affect ...Posted by the Node, on 29 September 2011
It’s the end of the month, which means it’s time to download next month’s desktop calendar. Put it on your own computer and/or on the computers in your lab. There, ...Posted by Erin M Campbell, on 8 September 2011
Researchers have long known about regeneration of injured muscles, and have debated about the exact source of the muscle stem cells that perform this amazing feat. A group of papers ...Posted by the Node, on 30 August 2011
We’re as surprised as you are that September starts in a few days! Time to get a new desktop calendar. While it may look like an African violet, this is ...Posted by dorloff, on 29 August 2011
The Cell: An Image Library Help us reach our goal of 1000 members in our LinkedIn group. Join us at The Cell: An Image Library http://www.cellimagelibrary.orgPosted by Erin M Campbell, on 15 August 2011
Do your ears perk up when you hear about embryonic stem cells? We all have heard and/or participated in the controversy surrounding the use of them, yet there is no ...