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Posted by BSDB, on 28 November 2017
In preparation of our upcoming 70th anniversary to be celebrated at the special Spring Meeting in Warwick (April 15th-18th 2018), the BSDB announces a writing competition for its graduate student ...Posted by the Node Interviews, on 28 November 2017
Today marks the publication of Development’s special issue celebrating the centenary of D’Arcy Thompson’s ‘On Growth and Form’. Given the continuing influence of the book’s graphical elements – from its captivating ...Posted by Jon Moulton, on 27 September 2017
It’s rare to see your working life captured in a music video. This made me happy, I hope you enjoy it. Click the title above.Posted by jasminalsous, on 19 September 2017
A post by Jasmin Imran Alsous, on work done in collaboration with Paul Villoutreix and Alexander M. Berezhkovskii in the Shvartsman lab. I started working on Drosophila egg chambers from the ...Posted by kgnedeva, on 14 September 2017
Prologue Molecular biological approaches to understanding the complex gene networks regulating development often resemble attempts to understand a Monet painting by looking at it up close. We find the links within ...Posted by KalinDN, on 12 September 2017
Hello, Community! In July, I revealed to the world my attempts at scientific illustration. Aidan (The Node’s Community Manager) took a keen interest in my work and was very kind ...Posted by NatalyaZahn, on 29 August 2017
Illustrator Natalya Zahn on the role of observation and visual interpretation in her work creating an addendum to Nieuwkoop and Faber’s classic Normal Table of Xenopus laevis As an artist of ...Posted by Helena Jambor, on 6 August 2017
I recently saw drawings by Maria Sybilla Merian at Kupferstichkabinett Berlin and the University Library Dresden. Merian, who lived from 1647 to 1717, is renowned for her exceptional illustrations of ...Posted by radikes, on 3 August 2017
Blog post written by Isabelle Vea – 2017 Embryology Student All 24 of the 2017 Embryology students came to Woods Hole to learn from the best scientists in the ...Posted by the Node, on 18 July 2017
We came across this video from EuroStemCell describing a project that aimed to increase public awareness of stem cell biology, as well as encourage scientists to get involved in public engagement ...