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Posted by BSDB, on 11 April 2017
The Beddington Medal is the BSDB’s major commendation to promising young biologists, awarded for the best PhD thesis in Developmental Biology defended in the year previous to the award. Rosa ...Posted by BSDB, on 11 April 2017
As every year, the Spring meeting was the time of awards and medals! This year, we had awardees of three societies who are listed below. For those wanting to have ...Posted by STEM Graduates, on 30 March 2017
STEM Graduates is a graduate recruitment agency and jobs board. We offer permanent salaried roles to students and graduates from Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics disciplines. We believe these candidates ...Posted by BSDB, on 22 February 2017
The BSDB invites nominations for three new committee members, who will commence their 5 year term in October 2017 replacing three members who will retire this year. Committee members are ...Posted by BSDB, on 10 February 2017
The use of chimaeras to study developmental mechanisms: from lineage tracing to disease models Under the sponsorship of the Anne McLaren Memorial Trust Fund and The Company of Biologists, ...Posted by BryonyL, on 8 February 2017
Young Embryologist Network 9th Annual Conference. 9th May 2017 at the Institute of Child Health, UCL, London. This year, YEN is honoured to have Dr Darren Gilmour from EMBL Heidelberg present the Sammy Lee ...Posted by BSDB, on 18 October 2016
The 2016 BSDB Autumn meeting under the topic of ‘chimaeras and their use in studying developmental processes and disease models’ was organised by Jenny Nichols and Tristan Rodriguez. It took ...Posted by tschwarz-romond, on 26 August 2016 Sense & Sensibility: niche signals regulate neural stem cells in an age-dependent manner paper feature by Thomas Schwarz-Romond Tissue specific stem cell niches provide lifelong support for adult stem ...Posted by traceydepellegrin, on 23 June 2016
Model Organisms such as yeast, worm, fly, fish, rat, and mouse are key drivers of biological research, providing manipulable and cost-effective experimental systems that continuously yield fundamental insights into ...Posted by BSDB, on 23 May 2016
Last year, the BSDB carried out a student and postdoc survey (see here), and the results clearly highlighted the need for more dedicated program items for young researchers on BSDB ...