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FlyBase 2012 User Survey

Posted by , on 20 March 2012

Dear Colleagues,


FlyBase has begun to plan for the competitive renewal of FlyBase funding, which will be submitted to NIH in several months. EXTENSIVE INPUT from the community of FlyBase users is invaluable in two ways. (1) It is a crucial source of input to help us determine our priorities for the next five year period. (2) The level of response is taken by our funders as a very important metric of how much the community cares about the continued survival of the FlyBase genomic and genetic database resource. In these days of competing demands for funds for research resources, the importance of this demonstration of community support for FlyBase by completing the survey cannot be overstated.


For both these reasons, we ask you to respond to the survey by March 31st and to encourage your colleagues to do so.


Please understand that we are not asking for platitudes, but for your frank views of what we are doing well, what we need to improve, and what directions we should be thinking about for the future.  We have designed the survey so that it should not take more than five or ten minutes of your time, and of course your contributions are completely anonymous.


We conducted a similar survey for our previous grant renewal, and we had a terrific response of 1,165 community members completing the survey. We hope that even more of you will respond this time.


We thank you in advance for your support by responding to this survey request.


FlyBase 2012 User Survey



The FlyBase Consortium



Thumbs up (2 votes)

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Categories: Funding, Research, Resources

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