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developmental and stem cell biologists

June in preprints

Posted by , on 10 July 2024

Welcome to our monthly trawl for developmental and stem cell biology (and related) preprints.

The preprints this month are hosted on bioRxiv and arXiv – use these links below to get to the section you want:

Developmental biology

Cell Biology


Tools & Resources

Developmental biology

| Patterning & signalling

Metabolic control by the Bithorax Complex-Wnt signaling crosstalk in Drosophila

Rajitha-Udakara-Sampath Hemba-Waduge, Mengmeng Liu, Xiao Li, Jasmine L. Sun, Elisabeth A. Budslick, Sarah E. Bondos, Jun-Yuan Ji

Single-cell profiling of penta- and tetradactyl mouse limb buds identifies mesenchymal progenitors controlling digit numbers and identities

Victorio Palacio, Anna Pancho, Angela Morabito, Jonas Malkmus, Zhisong He, Geoffrey Soussi, Rolf Zeller, Barbara Treutlein, Aimée Zuniga

Growth-induced physiological hypoxia correlates with growth deceleration during normal development

Yifan Zhao, Cyrille Alexandre, Gavin Kelly, Gantas Perez-Mockus, Jean-Paul Vincent

From Zhao et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 International license.

Metabolic activities are selective modulators for individual segmentation clock processes

Mitsuhiro Matsuda, Jorge Lázaro, Miki Ebisuya

mTORC2-mediated cell-cell interaction promote BMP4-induced WNT activation and mesoderm differentiation

Li Tong, Faiza Batool, Yueh-Ho Chiu, Yudong Zhou, Xiaolun Ma, Santosh Atanur, Wei Cui

Hypoxia-Sonic Hedgehog Axis as a Driver of Primitive Hematopoiesis Development and Evolution in Cavefish

Corine M. van der Weele, Katrina C. Hospes, Katherine E. Rowe, William R. Jeffery

Illuminating morphogen and patterning dynamics with optogenetic control of morphogen production

Dirk Benzinger, James Briscoe

Combinatorial Wnt signaling landscape during brachiopod anteroposterior patterning

Bruno C. Vellutini, José M. Martín-Durán, Aina Børve, Andreas Hejnol

Depolarization induces calcium-dependent BMP4 release from mouse embryonic palate mesenchyme

Mikaela L Follmer, Trevor Isner, Yunus H. Ozekin, Claire Levitt, Emily Anne Bates

Lineage-specific CDK activity dynamics characterize early mammalian development

Bechara Saykali, Andy D. Tran, James A. Cornwell, Matthew A. Caldwell, Paniz Rezvan Sangsari, Nicole Y. Morgan, Michael J. Kruhlak, Steven D. Cappell, Sergio Ruiz

Dachsous and Fat coordinately repress the Dachs-Dlish-Approximated complex to control growth

Hitoshi Matakatsu, Richard G. Fehon

Notch1 is required to maintain supporting cell identity and vestibular function during maturation of the mammalian balance organs

Alison Heffer, Choongheon Lee, Joseph C. Holt, Amy E. Kiernan

Bisphenol AF induces overactivation of primordial follicles via Hippo signaling and causes premature ovarian insufficiency in micev

Xiaoyang Liu, Mingxi Yu, Tiancheng Wang, Xiangdong Hu, Rui Zhong, Yuan Xiao, Yan Xu, Mei Zhang, Shuang Tang

Decorin enhances metabolic maturation by activating AMPK-PGC1A pathway in cardiac organoids

Myeong-Hwa Song, Seongmin Jun, Seung-Cheol Choi, Ji Eun Na, Im Joo Rhyu, Sun Wook Hwang, Minji Jeon, Do-Sun Lim

The Drosophila hematopoietic niche assembles through collective cell migration controlled by neighbor tissues and Slit-Robo signaling

Kara A. Nelson, Kari F. Lenhart, Lauren Anllo, Stephen DiNardo

| Morphogenesis & mechanics

Contractile fibroblasts are recruited to the growing mammary epithelium to support branching morphogenesis

Jakub Sumbal, Robin P. Journot, Marisa M. Faraldo, Zuzana Sumbalova Koledova, Silvia Fre

From Sumbal et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 International license.

Effects and phenotypic consequences of transient thyrotoxicosis and hypothyroidism at different stages of zebrafish Danio rerio (Teleostei; Cyprinidae) skeleton development

Vasily Borisov, Fedor Shkil

Congenital heart defects differ following left versus right avian cardiac neural crest ablation

Tatiana Solovieva, Marianne E. Bronner

Age-associated increased stiffness of the ovarian microenvironment impairs follicle development and oocyte quality and rapidly alters follicle gene expression

Sara Pietroforte, Makenzie Plough, Farners Amargant

Distinct functions of three Wnt proteins control mirror-symmetric organogenesis in the C. elegans gonad

Shuhei So, Masayo Asakawa, Hitoshi Sawa

Control of epiblast cell fate by mechanical cues

Charlène Guillot, Yannis Djeffal, Mattia Serra, Olivier Pourquié

Mechanical Strain Activates Planar Cell Polarity Signaling to Coordinate Vascular Cell Dynamics

Lieke Golbach, Tanumoy Saha, Maria Odenthal-Schnittler, Jenny Lücking, Ana Velic, Emir Bora Akmeric, Dorothee Bornhorst, Oliver Popp, Philipp Mertins, Felix Gunawan, Holger Gerhardt, Boris Macek, Britta Trappmann, Hans J. Schnittler, Milos Galic, Maja Matis

Increase in ER-mitochondria contacts and mitochondrial fusion are hallmarks of mitochondrial activation during embryogenesis

Anastasia Chugunova, Hannah Keresztes, Roksolana Kobylinska, Maria Novatchkova, Thomas Lendl, Marcus Strobl, Michael Schutzbier, Gerhard Dürnberger, Richard Imre, Elisabeth Roitinger, Pawel Pasierbek, Alberto Moreno Cencerrado, Marlene Brandstetter, Thomas Köcher, Benedikt Agerer, Jakob-Wendelin Genger, Andreas Bergthaler, Andrea Pauli

From Chugunova et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 International license.

| Genes & genomes

Transcriptomic Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Axis of Oogenesis and Fertilization in C. elegans

Yangqi Su, Jonathan Shea, Darla DeStephanis, Zhengchang Su

Heterochromatin protein ERH represses alternative cell fates during early mammalian differentiation

Andrew Katznelson, Blake Hernandez, Holly Fahning, Jingchao Zhang, Adam Burton, Maria-Elena Torres-Padilla, Nicolas Plachta, Kenneth S. Zaret, Ryan L. McCarthy

Microphthalmia and disrupted retinal development due to a LacZ knock-in/knock-out allele at the Vsx2 locus

Francesca R. Napoli, Xiaodong Li, Alan A. Hurtado, Edward M. Levine

From Napoli et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 International license.

Neural crest and periderm-specific requirements of Irf6 during neural tube and craniofacial development

Shannon H. Carroll, Sogand Schafer, Eileen Dalessandro, Thach-Vu Ho, Yang Chai, Eric C. Liao

The requirement of GW182 in miRNA-mediated gene silencing in Drosophila larval development

Eriko Matsuura-Suzuki, Kori Kiyokawa, Shintaro Iwasaki, Yukihide Tomari

The non-canonical thioreductase TMX2 is essential for neuronal survival during embryonic brain development

Jordy Dekker, Wendy Lam, Herma C. van der Linde, Floris Ophorst, Charlotte de Konink, Rachel Schot, Gert-Jan Kremers, Leslie E. Sanderson, Woutje M. Berdowski, Geeske M. van Woerden, Grazia M.S. Mancini, Tjakko J. van Ham

The Conserved Transcription Factor Krüppel Regulates the Survival and Neurogenesis of Mushroom Body Neuroblasts in Drosophila Adult Brains

Jin Man, Xian Shu, Haoer Shi, Xue Xia, Yusanjiang Abula, Yuu Kimata

Spinal motor neuron development and metabolism are transcriptionally regulated by Nuclear Factor IA

Julia Gauberg, Kevin B. Moreno, Karthik Jayaraman, Sara Abumeri, Sarah Jenkins, Alisa M. Salazar, Hiruy S Meharena, Stacey M Glasgow

RFC1 regulates the expansion of neural progenitors in the developing zebrafish cerebellum

Fanny Nobilleau, Sébastien Audet, Sanaa Turk, Charlotte Zaouter, Meijiang Liao, Nicolas Pilon, Martine Tétreault, Shunmoogum A. Patten, Éric Samarut

| Stem cells, regeneration & disease modelling

Ephrin Forward Signaling Controls Interspecies Cell Competition in Pluripotent Stem Cells

Junichi Tanaka, Yuri Kondo, Masahiro Sakurai, Anri Sawada, Youngmin Hwang, Akihiro Miura, Yuko Shimamura, Dai Shimizu, Yingying Hu, Hemanta Sarmah, Zurab Ninish, James Cai, Jun Wu, Munemasa Mori

Single-nucleus transcriptomic analysis reveals the regulatory circuitry of myofiber XBP1 during regenerative myogenesis

Aniket S. Joshi, Micah B. Castillo, Meiricris Tomaz da Silva, Preethi H. Gunaratne, Radbod Darabi, Yu Liu, Ashok Kumar

Niche cytoskeletal architecture is required for proper stem cell signaling and oriented division in the Drosophila testis

Gabriela S. Vida, Elizabeth Botto, Stephen DiNardo

Human TSC2 Mutant Cells Exhibit Aberrations in Early Neurodevelopment Accompanied by Changes in the DNA Methylome

Mary-Bronwen L. Chalkley, Lindsey N. Guerin, Tenhir Iyer, Samantha Mallahan, Sydney Nelson, Mustafa Sahin, Emily Hodges, Kevin C. Ess, Rebecca A. Ihrie

Single-cell transcriptome unravels spermatogonial stem cells and dynamic heterogeneity of spermatogenesis in seasonal breeding teleost

Yang Yang, Yinan Zhou, Gary Wessel, Weihua Hu, Dongdong Xu

Mimicking physiological stiffness or oxygen levels in vitro reorganizes mesenchymal stem cells machinery toward a more naïve phenotype

Inês Caramelo, Vera M. Mendes, Catarina Domingues, Sandra I. Anjo, Margarida Geraldo, Carla M. P. Cardoso, Mário Grãos, Bruno Manadas

The Hippo/YAP Pathway Mediates the De-differentiation of Corneal Epithelial Cells into Functional Limbal Epithelial Stem Cells In Vivo

Yijian Li, Lingling Ge, Bangqi Ren, Xue Zhang, Zhiyuan Yin, Hongling Liu, Yuli Yang, Yong Liu, Haiwei Xu

Harnessing the regenerative potential of interleukin11 to enhance heart repair

Kwangdeok Shin, Anjelica Rodriguez-Parks, Chanul Kim, Isabella M. Silaban, Yu Xia, Jisheng Sun, Chenyang Dong, Sunduz Keles, Jinhu Wang, Jingli Cao, Junsu Kang

Inhibition of CELA1 Improves Septation in the Mouse Hyperoxia Model of Impaired Alveolar Development

Noah J. Smith, Rashika Joshi, Hitesh Desmukh, Jerilyn Gray, Andrea D. Edwards, Elham Shahreki, Brian M. Varisco

Lineage tracing of Shh+ floor plate cells and dynamics of dorsal-ventral gene expression in the regenerating axolotl spinal cord

Laura Isabella Arbanas, Emanuel Cura Costa, Osvaldo Chara, Leo Otsuki, Elly Margaret Tanaka

From Arbanas et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

Regeneration-specific promoter switching facilitates Mest expression in the mouse digit tip to modulate neutrophil response

Vivian Jou, Sophia M. Peña, Jessica A. Lehoczky

Identifying miRNA Signatures Associated with Pancreatic Islet Dysfunction in a FOXA2-Deficient iPSC Model

Ahmed K. Elsayed, Noura Aldous, Nehad Alajez, Essam M. Abdelalim

Stochastic cell-intrinsic stem cell decisions control colony growth in planarians

Tamar Frankovits, Prakash Varkey Cherian, Yarden Yesharim, Simon Dobler, Omri Wurtzel

An iPSC-based model of Jacob Syndrome reveals a DNA methylation-independent transcriptional dysregulation shared with X aneuploid cells

V. Astro, K. Cardona-Londoño, L.V. Cortés-Medina, R. Alghamdi, G. Ramírez-Calderón, F. Kefalas, J. Dilmé-Capó, S. Radío, A. Adamo

Resolving human α versus β cell fate allocation for the generation of stem cell-derived islets

Melis Akgün Canan, Corinna Cozzitorto, Michael Sterr, Lama Saber, Eunike S.A. Setyono, Xianming Wang, Juliane Merl-Pham, Tobias Greisle, Ingo Burtscher, Heiko Lickert

Amniotic fluid stem cell extracellular vesicles promote lung development via TGF-beta modulation in a fetal rat model of oligohydramnios

Fabian Doktor, Rebeca Lopes Figueira, Victoria Fortuna, George Biouss, Kaya Stasiewicz, Mikal Obed, Kasra Khalaj, Lina Antounians, Augusto Zani

Stable platelet production via the bypass pathway explains the long-term reconstitution capacity of hematopoietic stem cells

Shoya Iwanami, Toshiko Sato, Hiroshi Haeno, Longchen Xu, Keimyo Imamura, Jun Ooehara, Xun Lan, Hiromitsu Nakauchi, Shingo Iwami, Ryo Yamamoto

Divergent roles of SOX2 in human and mouse germ cell specification related to X-linked gene dosage effects

Wenteng He, Qing Luo, Jian Zhao, Mengting Wang, Luohua Feng, Allan Zhao, Ahmed Reda, Eva Lindgren, Jan-Bernd Strukenborg, Jiayu Chen, Qiaolin Deng

Hepatocyte-derived extracellular vesicles regulate liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy

Mina McGinn, Christopher Rabender, Ross Mikkelsen, Vasily Yakovlev

Delivery of A Jagged1-PEG-MAL hydrogel with Pediatric Human Bone Cells Regenerates Critically-Sized Craniofacial Bone Defects

Archana Kamalakar, Brendan Tobin, Sundus Kaimari, M. Hope Robinson, Afra I. Toma, Timothy Cha, Samir Chihab, Irica Moriarity, Surabhi Gautam, Pallavi Bhattaram, Shelly Abramowicz, Hicham Drissi, Andrés J. García, Levi B. Wood, Steven L. Goudy

From Kamalakar et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 International license.

A human-specific, concerted repression of microcephaly genes contributes to radiation-induced growth defects in forebrain organoids

Jessica Honorato Ribeiro, Emre Etlioglu, Jasmine Buset, Ann Janssen, Hanne Puype, Lisa Berden, André Claude Mbouombouo Mfossa, Winnok H. De Vos, Vanessa Vermeirssen, Sarah Baatout, Nicholas Rajan, Roel Quintens

Genetic variation modulates susceptibility to aberrant DNA hypomethylation and imprint deregulation in naïve pluripotent stem cells

C Parikh, RA Glenn, Y Shi, K Chatterjee, EE Swanzey, S Singer, SC Do, Y Zhan, Y Furuta, M Tahiliani, E Apostolou, A Polyzos, R Koche, JG Mezey, T Vierbuchen, M Stadtfeld

| Plant development

Systemic mRNA transport depends on m5C methylation, nuclear mRNA export factors and developmental phase changes

Ying Xu, András Székely, Steffen Ostendorp, Saurabh Gupta, Melissa Tomkins, Lei Yang, Federico Apelt, Yan Zhao, Eleni Mavrothalassiti, Linda Wansing, Julia Kehr, Eleftheria Saplaoura, Friedrich Kragler

OsAAI1-OsMADS25 module orchestrates root morphogenesis by fine-tuning IAA in drought stressed rice

Ning Xu, Rui Luo, Qing Long, Jianmin Man, Jiaxi Yin, Haimin Liao, Meng Jiang

The Arabidopsis splicing factor PORCUPINE/SmE1 orchestrates temperature-dependent root development via auxin homeostasis maintenance

Nabila El Arbi, Sarah Muniz Nardeli, Jan Šimura, Karin Ljung, Markus Schmid

Unveiling Stem Cell Induction Mechanisms From Spatiotemporal Cell-Type-Specific Gene Regulatory Networks In Postembryonic Root Organogensis

Javier Cabrera, Alvaro Sanchez-Corrionero, Angels de Luis Balaguer, Laura Serrano-Ron, Cristina del Barrio, Pilar Cubas, Pablo Perez-Garcia, Rosangela Sozzani, Miguel Moreno-Risueno

Histidine limitation causes alteration in the TOR network and plant development

Amandine Guérin, Caroline Levasseur, Aline Herger, Dominik Renggli, Alexandros Georgios Sotiropoulos, Gabor Kadler, Xiaoyu Hou, Myriam Schaufelberger, Christian Meyer, Thomas Wicker, Laurent Bigler, Christoph Ringli

Cell fate plasticity of xylem-pole-pericycle in Arabidopsis roots

Xin Wang, Lingling Ye, Jing Zhang, Charles W. Melnyk, Ari Pekka Mähönen

From Wang et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 International license.

Manipulation of Photosensory and Circadian Signalling Restricts Developmental Plasticity in Arabidopsis

Martin William Battle, Scott Fraser Ewing, Cathryn Dickson, Joseph Obaje, Kristen N. Edgeworth, Rebecca Bindbeutel, Rea Antoniou Kourounioti, Dmitri A. Nusinow, Matthew Alan Jones

Dissecting the genetic regulation of lateral root development in tomato under salt stress

Maryam Rahmati Ishka, Hayley Sussman, Jiantao Zhao, Eric Craft, Li’ang Yu, Andrew Nelson, Miguel Pineros, Mark Tester, Dorota Kawa, Zhangjun Fei, Magdalena M. Julkowska

Actin isovariant ACT2-mediated cellular auxin homeostasis regulates lateral root organogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana

Aya Hanzawa, Arifa Ahamed Rahman, Abidur Rahman

An AINTEGUMENTA phospho-switch controls bilateral stem cell activity during secondary growth

Wei Xiao, Ling Yang, David Molina, Houming Chen, Shan Yu, Yingjing Miao, Dagmar Ripper, Shulin Deng, Martin Bayer, Bert De Rybel, Laura Ragni

ESR2 orchestrates cytokinin dynamics leading to developmental reprogramming and green callus formation

Yolanda Durán-Medina, David Díaz-Ramírez, Humberto Herrera-Ubaldo, Maurizio Di Marzo, Andrea Gómez Felipe, J. Erik Cruz-Valderrama, Carlos A. Vázquez, Herenia Guerrero-Largo, Lucia Colombo, Ondrej Novak, Stefan de Folter, Nayelli Marsch-Martínez

From Durán-Medina et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

The O-Fucosyltransferase SPINDLY Attenuates Auxin-Induced Fruit Growth by Inhibiting ARF6 and ARF8 binding to Coactivator Mediator Complex in Arabidopsis

Yan Wang, Seamus Kelley, Rodolfo Zentella, Jianhong Hu, Hua Wei, Lei Wang, Jeffrey Shabanowitz, Donald F. Hunt, Tai-ping Sun

Plant height defined growth curves during vegetative development have the potential to predict end of season maize yield and assist with mid-season management decisions

Dorothy D. Sweet, Julian Cooper, Cory D. Hirsch, Candice N. Hirsch

Epigenetic memory of temperature sensed during somatic embryo maturation in 2-year-old maritime pine trees

J.-F. Trontin, M.D. Sow, A. Delaunay, I. Modesto, C. Teyssier, I. Reymond, F. Canlet, N. Boizot, C. Le Metté, A. Gibert, C. Chaparro, C. Daviaud, J. Tost, C. Miguel, M.-A. Lelu-Walter, S. Maury

In a nutshell: pistachio genome and kernel development

Jaclyn A. Adaskaveg, Chaehee Lee, Yiduo Wei, Fangyi Wang, Filipa S. Grilo, Saskia D. Mesquida-Pesci, Matthew Davis, Selina C. Wang, Giulia Marino, Louise Ferguson, Patrick J Brown, Georgia Drakakaki, Adela Mena-Morales, Annalisa Marchese, Antonio Giovino, Esaú Martínez, Francesco Paolo Marra, Lourdes Marchante Cuevas, Luigi Cattivelli, Paolo Bagnaresi, Pablo Carbonell-Bejerano, Grey Monroe, Barbara Blanco-Ulate

From Adaskaveg et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

| Evo-devo

Brachiopod genome unveils the evolution of the BMP–Chordin network in bilaterian body patterning

Thomas D. Lewin, Keisuke Shimizu, Isabel Jiah-Yih Liao, Mu-En Chen, Kazuyoshi Endo, Noriyuki Satoh, Peter W. H. Holland, Yue Him Wong, Yi-Jyun Luo

The joint evolution of separate sexes and sexual dimorphism

Thomas Lesaffre, John R. Pannell, Charles Mullon

Horn size is linked to Sertoli cell efficiency and sperm size homogeneity during sexual development in common eland (Taurotragus oryx)

Eliana Pintus, Radim Kotrba, José Luis Ros-Santaella

Lepidopteran scale cells derive from sensory organ precursors through a canonical lineage

Ling S. Loh, Kyle A. DeMarr, Martina Tsimba, Christa Heryanto, Alejandro Berrio, Nipam H. Patel, Arnaud Martin, W. Owen McMillan, Gregory A. Wray, Joseph J. Hanly

From Loh et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY-ND 4.0 International license.

Temporal dynamics of gene expression during metamorphosis in two distant Drosophila species

Aleksandra M Ozerova, Dina A. Kulikova, Michael B Evgen’ev, Mikhail S. Gelfand

Multiplexed transcriptomic analyses of the plant embryonic hourglass

Hao Wu, Ruqiang Zhang, Karl J. Niklas, Michael J. Scanlon

Separating the genetic and environmental drivers of body temperature during the development of endothermy in an altricial bird

Lucy A. Winder, Jacob Hogger Gadsby, Eleanor Wellman, Joel L. Pick, Mirre J.P. Simons, Terry Burke

Convergent evolution of sex chromosomes in palms

H. Tessarotto, T. Beulé, E. Cherif, J. Orjuela, A. Lindstrom, A. Lemansour, M. Dahme, S. Santoni, J. Käfer, F. Aberlenc

Same trait, different genes: pelvic spine loss in three brook stickleback populations in Alberta

Jonathan A. Mee

Evolutionary bursts drive morphological novelty in the world’s largest skinks

Ian G. Brennan, David G. Chapple, J. Scott Keogh, Stephen Donnellan

Ecdysteroid-dependent molting in tardigrades

Shumpei Yamakawa, Andreas Hejnol

From Yamakawa et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 International license.

Cell Biology

N-Cadherin mediated cell rearrangements shape embryonic macrophage cluster

Jacob Hasenauer, Xiang Meng, Honor Scarborough, Jasmine A. Stanley-Ahmed, Darius Vasco Köster, Aparna Ratheesh

UNC-6/Netrin promotes both adhesion and directed growth within a single axon

Ev L. Nichols, Joo Lee, Kang Shen

Transcription templated assembly of the nucleolus in the C. elegans embryo

Nishant Kodan, Rabeya Hussaini, Stephanie C. Weber, Jane Kondev, Lishibanya Mohapatra

Systematic analysis of protein stability associated with species-specific developmental tempo

Mitsuhiro Matsuda, Henrik M. Hammarén, Jorge Lázaro, Mikhail M. Savitski, Miki Ebisuya

The zebrafish as a new model for studying chaperone-mediated autophagy unveils its role in spermatogenesis

Maxime Goguet, Emilio J Vélez, Simon Schnebert, Karine Dias, Vincent Véron, Alexandra Depincé, Florian Beaumatin, Amaury Herpin, Iban Seiliez

Contribution of the neuron-specific ATP1A3 to embryonic spinal circuit emergencev

Sarah Dinvaut, Sophie Calvet, Jean-Christophe Comte, Raphael Gury, Olivier Pascual, Maelys André, Rosaria Ferrigno, Jérôme Honnorat, Frédéric Moret, Guillaume Marcy, Julien Falk, Valérie Castellani

Multi-omics analyses and machine learning prediction of oviductal responses in the presence of gametes and embryos

Ryan M Finnerty, Daniel J Carulli, Akshata Hedge, Yanli Wang, Frimpong Boadu, Sarayut Winuthayanon, Jianlin Cheng, Wipawee Winuthayanon

Maternal total sleep deprivation causes oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in oocytes associated with fertility decline in mice

Ziyun Yi, Qiu-xia Liang, Qian Zhou, Yang Lin, Qing-ren Meng, Jian Li, Yihua Lin, Chunhui Zhang, Heide Schatten, Jie Qiao, Qing-Yuan Sun

The cell cycle oscillator and spindle length set the speed of chromosome separation in Drosophila embryos

Yitong Xu, Anna Chao, Melissa Rinaldin, Alison Kickuth, Jan Brugués, Stefano Di Talia

PCM1 conveys centrosome asymmetry to polarized endosome dynamics in regulating daughter cell fate

Xiang Zhao, Yiqi Wang, Vincent Mouilleau, Ahmet Can Solak, Jason Garcia, Xingye Chen, Christopher J. Wilkinson, Loic Royer, Zhiqiang Dong, Su Guo

Identification of BiP as a temperature sensor mediating temperature-induced germline sex reversal

Jing Shi, Danli Sheng, Jie Guo, Fangyuan Zhou, Shaofeng Wu, Hongyun Tang

Fibrotic Extracellular Matrix Preferentially Induces a Partial Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Phenotype in a 3-D Agent Based Model of Fibrosis

Kristin P. Kim, Christopher A. Lemmon

Cell type-specific regulation by different cytokinetic pathways in the early embryo

Caroline Q. Connors, Sophia L. Martin, Julien Dumont, Mimi Shirasu-Hiza, Julie C. Canman

Imp and Syp in vivo temporal RNA interactomes uncover networks of temporal regulators of Drosophila brain development

Jeffrey Y Lee, Niles Huang, Tamsin J Samuels, Ilan Davis

Comprehensive characterization of mitochondrial bioenergetics at different larval stages reveals novel insights about the developmental metabolism of Caenorhabditis elegans

Danielle F. Mello, Luiza Perez, Christina M. Bergemann, Katherine S. Morton, Ian T. Ryde, Joel N. Meyer


The Molecular Basis of Differentiation Wave Activity in Embryogenesis

Bradly Alicea, Surosh Bastani, Natalie K. Gordon, Susan Crawford-Young, Richard Gordon

Statistical description of mobile oscillators in embryonic pattern formation

Koichiro Uriu, Luis G Morelli

Statistical description of mobile oscillators in embryonic pattern formation

Koichiro Uriu, Luis G. Morelli

How cells stay together; a mechanism for maintenance of a robust cluster explored by local and nonlocal continuum models

Andreas Buttenschön, Shona Sinclair, Leah Edelstein-Keshet

Minimal cellular automaton model with heterogeneous cell sizes predicts epithelial colony growth

Steffen Lange, Jannik Schmied, Paul Willam, Anja Voss-Böhme

Tools & Resources

Efficient generation of human dendritic cells from iPSC by introducing a feeder-free expansion step for hematopoietic progenitors

Zahra Elahi, Vanta Jameson, Magdaline Sakkas, Suzanne K Butcher, Justine D Mintern, Kristen J Radford, Christine A Wells

Interaction between gene expression and morphokinetic parameters in undisturbed human embryo culture

Hui Xiao, Adam Stevens, Helen L. Smith, Karolina Szczesna, Maria Keramari, Gregory Horne, Andras Dinnyes, Susan J. Kimber, Pietro Lio, Daniel R. Brison

Enhanced Plasmid-Based Transcriptional Activation in Developing Mouse Photoreceptors

Brendon M. Patierno, Mark M. Emerson

A Pluripotent Stem Cell Platform for in Vitro Systems Genetics Studies of Mouse Development

Rachel A. Glenn, Stephanie C. Do, Karthik Guruvayurappan, Emily K. Corrigan, Laura Santini, Daniel Medina-Cano, Sarah Singer, Hyein Cho, Jing Liu, Karl Broman, Anne Czechanski, Laura Reinholdt, Richard Koche, Yasuhide Furuta, Meik Kunz, Thomas Vierbuchen

Functional imaging of whole mouse embryonic development in utero

Jiejun Zhu, Dongming He, Mengzhu Sun, Hanming Zheng, Zihao Chen, Jin Yang, Chengqi Lin, Yun Stone Shi, Lei Sun, Zhihai Qiu

Mass Generation and Long-term Expansion of Hepatobiliary Organoids from Adult Primary Human Hepatocytes

Ary Marsee, Arabela Ritchie, Adam Myszczyszyn, Shicheng Ye, Jung-Chin Chang, Arif Ibrahim Ardisasmita, Indi P Joore, Jose Castro-Alpízar, Sabine A Fuchs, Kerstin Schneeberger, Bart Spee

Unveiling Vertebrate Development Dynamics in Frog Xenopus laevis using Micro-CT Imaging

Laznovsky Jakub, Kavkova Michaela, Reis Alice, Robovska-Havelkova Pavla, Krivanek Jan, Zikmund Tomas, Kaiser Jozef, Buchtova Marcela, Harnos Jakub

From Jakub et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

Transcriptomic comparison of in vitro models of the human placenta

Samantha Lapehn, Sidharth Nair, Evan J Firsick, James MacDonald, Ciara Thoreson, James A Litch, Nicole R Bush, Leena Kadam, Sylvie Girard, Leslie Myatt, Bhagwat Prasad, Sheela Sathyanarayana, Alison G Paquette

Chemically induced cell plasticity enables the generation of high-fidelity embryo model

Huanhuan Li, Jiahui Huang, Wei Guan, Jinyi Wu, Haiping Luo, Litao Chang, Haiyong Zhao, Chuanxin Chen, Yake Gao, Jian Zhang, José C. R. Silva

Neural tube organoid generation: a robust and reproducible protocol from single mouse embryonic stem cells

Teresa Krammer, Elly M. Tanaka

An efficient method for immortalizing mouse embryonic fibroblasts

Srisathya Srinivasan, Hsin-Yi Henry Ho

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