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developmental and stem cell biologists

MBL Embryology Course: Applications Due February 1

Posted by , on 25 January 2018

The deadline to apply for the 2018 Embryology course at the Marine Biological Laboratories is just one week away (February 1). That means it is time to get your application submitted!

If you have read the previously posted articles, you learned about this course helping Ania over come fears, its life changing capabilities from Tessa and the benefits of a collaborative environment from Steve.

Don’t pass up the opportunity to be in this environment and place of personal and scientific growth.

I am currently finishing up my PhD at UNC in Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology. However, before taking the Embryology course I considered myself purely a Biochemist, Cell and Structural Biologist. My research focuses on understanding the structural and functional role of the cytoskeleton at the atomic to cellular level. Due to this skill set many of my colleagues (myself included) thought I would be a Physiology student (another wonderful summer course at MBL – oh and the two courses are kind of rivals). However, as I proceeded through my graduate work I knew that I wanted to understand the role of the cytoskeleton at the tissue and whole animal level. I didn’t know a lot about the work being done in this area and the scientists doing this work. I knew that the Embryology course would offer me the best way to gain technical knowledge, connections to developmental biologists and to learn about the work currently being done in this field. The course provided me with all of this and so much more. The connections I made at the course helped me to land a wonderful postdoc in Developmental Biology!

The connections and personal growth the course fosters and the skills acquired are far beyond any other experience I have had thus far. Honestly, I was worried that I wouldn’t fit in – or I would be so lost and so far behind all the time – I couldn’t have been more wrong. I felt right at home, every single person was fabulous, willing to help out and answer any and all of my questions no matter how basic or crazy. One of my favorite things about the course was the access to so many amazing microscopes. I had such a blast imaging on a dozen or so different systems!

Me on Nikons A1 system. Image from

No matter your background, training or knowledge base you will learn so much from this course and you will think about science in new and different ways. Do not hesitate to apply!

For more information on the course check out my blog posts from last summer and #embryo2017 on twitter and instagram.


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