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Postdoctoral position at the Hubrecht & MERLN Institutes. Stem cell-based blastoids. Lab of Nicolas Rivron.

Posted by , on 12 June 2018

Closing Date: 15 March 2021

Hubrecht Institute for developmental biology and stem cell research.
MERLN Institute for technology-driven regenerative medicine.

Laboratory for stem cell-based development.

2 years
The Netherlands


A two-year postdoctoral position is available at the laboratory for stem cell-based development headed by Nicolas Rivron. The laboratory is located at the MERLN institute for technology-driven regenerative medicine (Maastricht) and at the Hubrecht institute for developmental biology and stem cell research (Utrecht). The laboratory is embedded in a highly innovative environment, has access to first-class facilities for microscopy, single cell sequencing and microfabrication, and provides investigators with the opportunity to pursue excellent, multidisciplinary research at the interface between stem cell biology and quantitative science.

For more information, visit

Our goal is to investigate the flow of information between the blastocyst cells and the impact on post-implantation development, using stem cell-based blastoids [1]. We use a multidisciplinary approach combining genetic engineering, high-content screening of molecules, and single cell sequencing.

You must hold a PhD (or equivalent experience) in a relevant life sciences or biomedical discipline and have a strong interest in stem cells and early development. Extensive experience in embryonic stem cells and molecular biology techniques is essential. A proven publication record, with at least one first author publication in a peer-reviewed international journal is also essential. Expertise in cell signaling and genetic engineering would be an advantage. You must also have the ability to develop and apply new concepts, have a creative approach to problem solving, and be able to write clearly and succinctly for publication.

To apply, send your CV, names and contacts of two scientific references along with a covering letter stating why you are applying for this role (providing evidence against the requirements of the job as per the job description and person specification) via the website of the laboratory. Applications which do not provide a cover letter will not be considered. We only consider people who made a deep thought about joining the lab, are motivated for discoveries, success, and respectful of colleagues.

[1] Rivron NC [corresponding author], Frias-Aldeguer J, Vrij EJ, Boisset JC, Vivie J, Korving J, Truckenmuller RK, van Oudenaarden A, van Blitterswijk CA*, Geijsen N*. In vitro generation of blastocyst-like structures solely from stem cells. *Equal contribution. Nature. volume 557, pages 106–111. 2018.



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