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Posted by Holley Lab, on 25 June 2019
By Dörthe Jülich & Scott Holley Organizers pattern surrounding tissues via secreted morphogens that specify different cell states as a function of concentration. Wolpert’s French Flag model is commonly ...Posted by shruti.vemaraju, on 13 June 2019
Shruti Vemaraju¹ and Richard A. Lang¹-² ¹Center for Chronobiology,¹The Visual Systems Group, Abrahamson Pediatric Eye Institute, Division of Pediatric Ophthalmology, ²Division of Developmental Biology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH ...Posted by miriamirosenberg, on 3 June 2019
By Miriam Rosenberg and Suparna Ray Most of what we know about axial patterning in insects comes from decades of careful, beautiful work done in flies. Thanks to the genetic ...Posted by Sergio Menchero, on 3 May 2019
The story behind our recent paper in eLife. In the mid-1900s, Conrad Hal Waddington introduced the idea of development as a series of branching decisions taken under the control ...Posted by boudaoud, on 30 April 2019
Written by Antoine Fruleux and Arezki Boudaoud As Lewis Wolpert put it (Wolpert, PLoS Biology 2010), if you extend your two arms, you will likely find that they match in ...Posted by Jonathan Rodenfels, on 10 April 2019
The story behind our recent paper “Heat Oscillations Driven by the Embryonic Cell Cycle Reveal the Energetic Costs of Signaling” Developmental Cell, 48(5), pp.646–658.e6. At the end of 2014, a ...Posted by aaron_savage, on 2 April 2019
The correct patterning of embryonic tissues is essential for normal development. Aberrant patterning can lead to developmental abnormalities and pathogenic defects. Therefore, studying developmental patterning is important to better understand ...Posted by Sudipto, on 1 April 2019
With air pollution on the rise, our respiratory system is continually abused by a barrage of harmful substances that we breathe in with each inhalation. Fortunately, we are equipped with ...Posted by gbassel, on 8 February 2019
By George Bassel and Iain Johnston Multicellular organs consist of collections of cells which come together to achieve what individual cells cannot. The establishment of order in complex tissues has ...Posted by Chloe Moreau, on 6 February 2019
In our recent paper published in Current Biology, we unravel the direct and early role for Hox genes in the regulation and natural variation of the forelimb position in birds. ...