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Posted by LucyHaizlipWilliams, on 30 April 2011
I’ve been asked to present the back-story behind our recently published manuscript in Development “Transcription precedes loss of Xist coating and depletion of H3K27me3 during X-chromosome reprogramming in the mouse ...Posted by Eva Amsen, on 10 March 2011
[updated 25/3/2011] Video was temporarily removed from Vimeo. Will repost it when it’s back up.Posted by Christian Mosimann, on 7 December 2010
The Node’s staff has kindly asked me to write a little “behind the scenes” on our zebrafish paper released today in Development, “Ubiquitous transgene expression and Cre-based recombination driven by ...Posted by kyook, on 29 October 2010
WormBase — — is the central data repository for Caenorhabditis elegans and related nematodes. C. elegans is a well-known system for studying problems in developmental biology, the benefits of ...Posted by Sarah Sharpe, on 16 September 2010
Hello Node Community: I would like to inform you about the Development Travelling Fellowships. Are you a Graduate student or Post-doc wishing to make a collaborative visit to another lab? ...Posted by Natascha Bushati, on 9 August 2010
I’ve just come back from a lab retreat in a country house in Sussex, UK. The weather was good and we had our scientific sessions, ranging from discussions on Sonic ...Posted by Eva Amsen, on 19 July 2010
On July 9, the editors of Development met in Strasbourg (or joined over the phone) for a meeting. Because Development‘s editors are spread out all over the world, these meetings ...Posted by Natascha Bushati, on 10 July 2010
Here is the final part of my meeting report on the BSDB-BSCB Spring Conference this April in Warwick. In the first part, I covered some of the talks on transcriptional ...Posted by Seema Grewal, on 23 June 2010
Here are the research highlights from the current issue of Development. You can find these on the Development site but we thought it would be useful to have them posted ...Posted by Natascha Bushati, on 21 June 2010
As announced in my last post, here is part two of the BSDB-BSCB Spring Meeting Report. It deals with two presentations on networks of transcription factors (TFs). During development, such ...