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Posted by the Node, on 26 January 2021
The next webinar in our Development presents… series will be a little different: rather than being chaired by a Development editor, the preLights team will be in control. ...Posted by the Node, on 11 January 2021
Recorded talks and Q&As are now available here. We’re happy to confirm the next webinar in our Development presents… series will be chaired by our Editor Swathi Arur (The ...Posted by the Node, on 3 December 2020
Yesterday we held the third webinar in our new series, this time focusing on plant development and chaired by Development Editor Yrjö Helariutta. Here you’ll find recordings of the talks ...Posted by the Node, on 30 November 2020
Videos of the talks and Q&As can now be found here! We’re happy to confirm the next in our Development presents… webinar series will be chaired by our ...Posted by the Node, on 12 November 2020
Yesterday we held the second webinar in our new series, this time coinciding with the publication of our Special Issue on The Origins and Mechanisms of Developmental Disorders and featuring ...Posted by the Node, on 11 November 2020
Talks now available here! The second webinar in the Development presents… series coincides with the November release of our Special Issue: The Origins and Mechanisms of Developmental Disorders. ...Posted by the Node, on 8 October 2020
Videos have now been taken down. Yesterday over two hundred people from all over the wall tuned in to the first instalment of Development presents…, Development’s new webinar series. ...Posted by the Node, on 2 October 2020
Updated 2 October We’ve had over 400 registrations already! For those attending, this post has been updated with an order of play for the day, and the webinar homepage has ...