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developmental and stem cell biologists
Displaying posts with the tag: is_archive

Visualizing stem cells at home

Posted by , on 13 June 2011

The Drosophila ovary is stunningly beautiful, and a playground of wonderful biological questions.  Within the germarium alone, developmental biologists can look at asymmetric division, stem cells and their niches, cell ...

Postdoc position - Melbourne Australia

Posted by , on 1 June 2011

Position Available: POST DOCTORAL RESEARCHER With A/Prof Helena Richardson Cell Cycle and Development Lab Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Melbourne, Victoria Australia Project: Apico-basal polarity regulators, Signalling pathways and Tumourigenesis Available ...

Awards presented at this year’s BSCB-BSDB Spring meeting in Canterbury

Posted by , on 31 May 2011

Each year, three medals to honour extraordinary research achievements in cell and developmental biology are awarded at the joint conference of the British Societies for Cell Biology (BSCB) and Developmental ...

Establishing a niche

Posted by , on 12 April 2011

If there is hope to fully understand stem cells, then the environment surrounding those stem cells must be understood too.  A recent Development paper describes important results on niche establishment ...

Young Embryologist Meeting 2011 (YEM:2011)

Posted by , on 15 February 2011

The Young Embryologist Meeting 2011 will be held at King's College London on May 6th, 2011.


Posted by , on 6 January 2011

The modENCODE project (model organism encyclopedia of DNA elements) is a collaborative effort to identify all sequence-based functional elements of Drosophila and C. elegans. The project has now produced almost ...

Intestinal stem cell regeneration

Posted by , on 5 January 2011

Cancer and stem cells are two very loaded biology concepts, and more frequently can be found in the same discussion.  Stem cells within tumors are able to divide and provide ...

In Development this week (Vol. 138, Issue 2)

Posted by , on 21 December 2010

Boning up on stem cell Igf2-P2 function The insulin-like growth factor (IGF)/insulin signalling pathway regulates cell proliferation, differentiation, aging and life span. During embryonic development, transcription of the mouse and ...

In Development this week (Vol. 137, Issue 22)

Posted by , on 26 October 2010

Research highlights from the current issue of Development: Novel Hh targets fly in Hedgehog (Hh), a secreted morphogen, acts in a paracrine fashion to regulate tissue patterning during embryogenesis. Its ...

Stunning cysts

Posted by , on 6 October 2010

Hello to all of you Node readers!  My name is Erin Campbell and I’m the blogger behind HighMag Blog, a blog that features cell biology images a few times a ...

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