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Posted by Kat Arney, on 19 October 2023
In the latest episode of the Genetics Unzipped podcast, we’re exploring the weird and wonderful world of extrachromosomal DNA - what it is, what it does, and why it breaks ...Posted by Alexa Sadier, on 25 September 2023
Find out about the behind the paper story from Alexa Sadier about the origin of tooth classes in bats.Posted by Kat Arney, on 7 September 2023
We’re exploring the epic life of Alfred Russel Wallace; adventurer, naturalist and co-discoverer of natural selection. Biologist and author, Jim Costa, recounts the life of this often forgotten founding father ...Posted by Krista Gert, on 25 August 2023
Krista Gert, a recent doctoral graduate from Andrea (Andi) Pauli’s lab at the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) in Vienna, Austria, recently published a study on how Bouncer, a small egg ...Posted by the Node, on 9 August 2023
Catch up on the talks on the topic of evo-devo from Hannah Gruner, Seth Donoughe and Allan Carrillo-Baltodano.Posted by the Node, on 14 June 2023
Our August webinar will be chaired by Development Editor Cassandra Extavour (Harvard University) and features three early-career researchers studying evo-devo. The webinar will be held using Zoom with a Q&A ...Posted by Kat Arney, on 18 May 2023
In this episode we’re going microscopic, exploring what tiny tardigrades can teach us about DNA damage, vaccine distribution and even astronaut health in space.Posted by Kat Arney, on 4 May 2023
In the latest episode of Genetics Unzipped, we’re becoming chromosomal criminals and learning about how researchers are stealing genes from the animal kingdom and using them to improve human health. ...Posted by Kat Arney, on 23 March 2023
We’re saying bye-bye to the boys, and exploring whether new gene technologies and climate change will make males extinct.Posted by Romain Levayer, on 16 January 2023
A meeting report from Romain Levayer, Thibaut Brunet, Katja Heuer and Roberto Toro