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Posted by Cecilia Pessoa, on 15 November 2024
When I joined the Zon lab in June 2021, my mentor, Leonard Zon, shared an insightful piece of advice: “A good project always has two questions, one you can answer ...Posted by Frank Schubert, on 8 March 2023
The 11th Avian Model Systems Meeting will take place 11-14 September 2023 in Portsmouth, UK.Posted by ChrisJWatson, on 19 July 2022
A behind the paper story from Christine Watson about the role of immune cells in mammary gland involution and the women who worked on the project.Posted by Esteban Hoijman, on 15 July 2021
Esteban Hoijman and Verena Ruprecht describe how they found a phagocytic role for epithelial cells in early embryosPosted by VIB Conferences, on 6 December 2019
Translational Immunology 8-9 DECEMBER 2020, GHENT, BELGIUM Due to the Coronavirus, Translational Immunology and the satellite BIS meeting were postponed from 26-27 March 2020 to the end of the year. ...Posted by Christopher Arnold, on 30 September 2016
Commentary on Pathogenic shifts in endogenous microbiota impede tissue regeneration via distinct activation of TAK1/MKK/p38 in eLife 2016; 5: e16793 DOI: During our research as biologists we endure ...