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developmental and stem cell biologists
Displaying posts with the tag: is_archive

Catch up on Development presents… February webinar on organogenesis

Posted by , on 6 March 2024

Catch up on February's Development presents... webinar.

Development presents... February webinar on organogenesis

Posted by , on 23 January 2024

Development Editor Liz Robertson (University of Oxford) hosts two early career researchers studying organogenesis.

Organ plumbing

Posted by , on 19 September 2018

Water is a fascinating substance. Its behavior sets a lot of interesting constraints on both how the surface of our world is shaped geologically and how life on said surface ...

Pancreatic Beta-Cell Regeneration in Zebrafish - Postdoctoral Position in Dresden

Posted by , on 16 May 2018

Postdoctoral position in the research group of Dr. Nikolay Ninov at the Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden and the Paul Langerhans Institute Dresden (PLID) (of Helmholtz Zentrum München and the ...

Post Doctoral Position on Pancreas Development and Stem Cells

Posted by , on 15 January 2018

Post Doctoral Researcher  German Centre for Diabetes Research Dresden A post-doctoral position is available in the research group of Dr Anthony Gavalas. The group investigates the role of signaling pathways ...

Organ Design 101: Discovering the rules for building a pancreas

Posted by , on 19 November 2015

As we develop from wads of cells to fully formed humans, each of our organs goes through intricate processes to achieve the right combination and number of cells arranged in ...

In Development this week (Vol. 139, Issue 18)

Posted by , on 21 August 2012

Here are the highlights from the current issue of Development:   Retinoic acid’s developmental role illuminated The role of all-trans retinoic acid (RA) in hindbrain development and other developmental processes ...

Postdoctoral Position in Zebrafish Lab at Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis Indiana, USA

Posted by , on 16 May 2012

A postdoctoral position is available in the zebrafish laboratory of Ryan M. Anderson at the Wells Center for Pediatric Research, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana ( We use zebrafish ...

In Development this week (Vol. 138, Issue 10)

Posted by , on 26 April 2011

Here are the research highlights from the current issue of Development: FatJ keeps neural progenitor pools in shape The correct development and functioning of the spinal cord depends on the ...

In Development this week (Vol. 138, Issue 4)

Posted by , on 26 January 2011

Here are the research highlights from the current issue of Development: New moves in haematopoiesis: rumba and samba Vertebrate haematopoiesis relies on a pool of haemetopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs) that ...

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