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developmental and stem cell biologists
Displaying posts with the tag: is_archive

Development presents... October webinar videos

Posted by , on 8 October 2020

Videos have now been taken down.   Yesterday over two hundred people from all over the wall tuned in to the first instalment of Development presents…, Development’s new webinar series. ...

A biology-modeling crosstalk to uncover feather pattern evolution

Posted by , on 20 November 2019

Richard Bailleul, Jonathan Touboul and Marie Manceau   Patterning in question: 60 years of mathematical and biological studies The coat of Vertebrates displays a stunning diversity of motifs created by ...

Alan Turing’s patterning system can explain the arrangement of shark scales

Posted by , on 7 November 2018

Understanding how complex biological patterns arise is a long standing and fascinating area of scientific research. The patterning, or spatial arrangement, of vertebrate skin appendages (such as feathers, hair and ...

How to color a lizard: from developmental biology to physics to mathematics

Posted by , on 7 June 2017

One of the research topics in Michel Milinkovitch’s laboratory ( at the University of Geneva (Switzerland) is to understand how squamates (lizards and snakes) generate such a tremendous variety of ...

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