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Posted by NietoLab, on 19 October 2017
Oscar H. Ocaña and M. Angela Nieto Comment on “A right-handed signalling pathway drives heart looping in vertebrates”. Nature 549, 86-90 (2017). A fundamental aspect of vertebrates is their ...Posted by Josh Bloomekatz, on 13 October 2017
Our research seeks to investigate the fundamental question of how cardiac cells sense and respond to their environment. Focusing on tissue interactions we seek to understand the mechanisms underlying ...Posted by Steffen Scholpp, on 9 October 2017
The process of subdividing a tissue into functional units represents a classic problem in pattern formation. Signalling proteins – so-called morphogens – orchestrate this process. The traditional view is that ...Posted by Shibata-Germanos, on 8 August 2017
Looking back on the journey: Intracellular uptake of macromolecules by brain lymphatic endothelial cells during zebrafish embryonic development eLife van Lessen et al., 2017 Just over two years ago, while ...Posted by the Node Interviews, on 25 May 2017
Cell sorting is a critical process during development, as differently specified cells are segregated to the right parts of the embryo. Differences in cell adhesion and cortical tension are thought ...Posted by Chong-Morrison, on 16 May 2017
“It finally got accepted!”, followed by “It’s finally out!” about a month later. I am certain this ‘finally’ feeling about their paper is very familiar to those well-acquainted with the ...Posted by the Node Interviews, on 7 April 2017
Macrophages are usually associated with immunity, but have increasingly appreciated functions in development and homeostasis. This week we meet the authors of a recent Science paper that identified a role ...Posted by UOregonScience, on 28 March 2017
This Press Release from the University of Oregon was originally posted on Eurekalert. EUGENE, Ore. March 28, 2017 University of Oregon biologists have figured out how zebrafish perfectly regenerate ...Posted by StJude, on 1 March 2017
Jamie R. Genthe and Wilson K. Clements When blood goes bad, a replacement is often needed. Each year, thousands of patients in the US receive bone marrow transplants to treat ...Posted by Holly Lovegrove, on 2 February 2017
Comment on “Asymmetric division coordinates collective cell migration in angiogenesis” Nat Cell Bio, 18 (12), 1292-1301, (2016). Holly E. Lovegrove & Guilherme Costa Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, ...