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developmental and stem cell biologists

This month on the Node- July 2013

Posted by , on 1 August 2013

Another busy month on the Node, with a particular focus on zebrafish. Plenty of meeting reports, research, interviews and more, as well as new job posts. Here are the highlights:


Meeting Reports

With conference season well underway, the Node saw several meeting reports this month:

Zebrafish node cropped– Leonardo and Joaquin posted several reports from the 8th european zebrafish meeting: an excellent summary of the talks on developmental biology topics, and 2 posts on the workshops preceeding the conference: the genome resources workshop and the morphogenesis workshop. Cat also posted on the lighter side of the conference, commenting on her first attendance of a fish meeting.


– Students from this year’s Woods Hole Embryology course wrote on their experience after 4 weeks and at the end of the course.

– And Alfonso shared his thoughts on the Morphogen Gradients meeting that took place in Oxford.



image1– Keeping with the fish theme, we had several fish research posts on the Node this month: Neil wrote about his paper on a model of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder; while Megan wrote on a recent paper focusing on sex reversal in fish 

– Gary described a paper showing that waves of Cdk1 might be involved in the quick cell division of the early frog embryo

 and Mike Levin wrote about his recent paper showing that planaria can recall memories after decapitation, suggesting that memory storage can happen outside the brain



Photo of Maria LeptinThis month also featured interesting interviews:

– The Node interviewed developmental biologist and EMBO director Maria Leptin

– Megan started her series of posts on developmental biology in New Zealand by interviewing clinical geneticist and developmental biology Stephen Robertson

– And the BSDB-SDB poster winner chain continues with an interview with the winner of the SDB poster prize at the ISDB meeting Kara Nordin



Also on the Node:

– Thomas gave his take on the new Crick institute in London and what it reveals about research in the UK

– Xujiang described his visit to a lab in Sydney to study honey bee behaviour, sponsored by a Travelling Fellowship from the Company of Biologists

– The Node followed the #sciconfessions discussion on twitter, and collated the best lab confessions (don’t tell Health & Safety!)

– and T.H.Morgan’s 1920s fly room was reconstructed for a new exhibition in New York

Reconstructed fly room

 Happy Reading!

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