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developmental and stem cell biologists

This month on the Node- June 2015

Posted by , on 1 July 2015

Here are some of the highlights of the last month!



  • Figure2Steve told the tale of how it became an established fact that human sex ratio at conception is male biased… a cautionary tale on the conception of scientific ‘facts’.
  • Kate wrote about her lab’s new paper in Neuron, examining how the micro circuitry of the cortical column, the basic functional unit of the cortex, is established.
  • What is the relationship between senescence and regeneration? Max writes about her paper in eLife.
  • MorphoGraphX is a new software that allows the analysis of curved surface areas from 3D live-imaged confocal datasets. Anne-Lise posted about how it was developed and its applications.
  • Cat Lau wrote on the Node about her MSc research examining how stress affects adult neurogenesis.
  • And how do biolectric gradients affect ectopic innervation? Mike Levin discusses some recent work from his lab.



  • Are you a postdoc? Ever wanted to organise a workshop? The Company of Biologists is giving you the chance!
  • And what career opportunities are out there for graduate students? This was the topic of a recent careers event at Washington University in St Louis.


Students and invited guests mingle at the Early Career Transitions Symposium at Washington University in St. Louis the evening of June 3, 2015.



Also on the Node:

  • Elena, Shu and Joe wrote a great report from this year’s Woods Hole Embryology course, an intense course where students study a plethora of organisms with state of the art of technology… and get to wear a silly hat!
  • What role should scholarly societies play? Is an annual meeting enough or is there more that they do/should be doing? Share your thoughts with June’s question of the month!
  • And this month we reposted interviews with two prominent stem cell researchers: Deepak  Srivastava and Rudolf Jaenisch, both originally published in Development.



Happy Reading!


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