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Posted by maxamillion360, on 26 November 2010
Hello, I am Terry Jackson, a 6th year PhD student in Genetics and Genomics at Duke University which is located in Durham, North Carolina, USA. I am working on my ...Posted by Eva Amsen, on 25 November 2010
(This interview by Kathryn Senior originally appeared in Development on November 23, 2010) Patrick Tam’s research is focused on the cellular and molecular mechanisms of body patterning during mouse development. ...Posted by Seema Grewal, on 23 November 2010
Pak1-ing a punch in lumen formation The generation and maintenance of correct lumen size and shape is essential for the function of tubular organs. Now, Monn Monn Myat and co-workers ...Posted by Pablo Astudillo, on 20 November 2010
Being at the end of the planet Earth and organizing an international meeting is not easy. Even harder is to prepare and hold a course intended for an international audience. ...Posted by Khalil A. Cassimally, on 19 November 2010
Science is held pretty highly in Japan. The country has produced 15 Nobel Prize winners in the science disciplines, including two in the field of chemistry this year. But perhaps ...Posted by tkunath, on 19 November 2010
The 3rd Latin America Course on ES cells and Development will be in Cuernavaca, Mexico. It provides extensive hands-on experience and an incredible line-up of speakers. The course can take ...Posted by Marsha Lucas, on 18 November 2010
The Society for Developmental Biology participated in the first USA Science and Engineering Festival held October 10-24, 2010 in Washington, DC. SDB sponsored four separate events throughout the festival in ...Posted by Sivani, on 17 November 2010
The Gairdner Awards is Canada’s foremost international award, recognizing medical researchers for their work which has contributed significantly to improving quality of life. There are five awardees each year and ...Posted by Eva Amsen, on 17 November 2010
Glamour, fame, red carpets, flashing lights. It’s not what you usually get as a top scientist, but why not? Why should overnight reality TV stars get more attention than people ...Posted by cshperspectives, on 12 November 2010
Cold Spring Harbor has just published a new book on cell death by Doug Green, a larger-than-life character who will be familiar to anyone who’s ever been to an apoptosis ...