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developmental and stem cell biologists

Node updates

Posted by , on 31 August 2011

Survey As you know we carried out a survey about the Node this summer. Thank you to those who answered our questions! It was very helpful. We’re currently analysing the ...

Better late than never… 70th SDB meeting report

Posted by , on 31 August 2011

Thanks to the support from the Company of Biologists I had the opportunity to attend the 70th SDB meeting that was held last month in the hot but wonderful city ...

September desktop calendar

Posted by , on 30 August 2011

We’re as surprised as you are that September starts in a few days! Time to get a new desktop calendar. While it may look like an African violet, this is ...

7th European Zebrafish Meeting

Posted by , on 29 August 2011

During the European summer Edinburgh, the Scottish capital, is famously the place to be at while it hosts its world-renowned Festival. But this year it is also the place where ...

The Cell: An Image Library

Posted by , on 29 August 2011

The Cell: An Image Library Help us reach our goal of 1000 members in our LinkedIn group. Join us at The Cell: An Image Library

In Development this week (Vol. 138, Issue 18)

Posted by , on 23 August 2011

Here are the research highlights from the current issue of Development: Shaping up the Hippo pathway The Hippo pathway, which regulates cell proliferation, is regulated by cell density: low cell ...

PhD position in Inner Ear Development and Regeneration, UPF-PRBB

Posted by , on 17 August 2011

FGF and Retinoic Acid Signaling during development and regeneration The inner ear is a highly complex sensory organ that allows us to communicate with the external world. Sensory information is ...

Embryonic stem cells – keeping a clean slate

Posted by , on 15 August 2011

Do your ears perk up when you hear about embryonic stem cells?  We all have heard and/or participated in the controversy surrounding the use of them, yet there is no ...

The Wonder of Stem Cells

Posted by , on 12 August 2011

At the ISSCR meeting in Toronto in June I noticed this display at the top of the escalators: These fabrics with patterns related to stem cells are part of an ...

Waves of early transcriptional activation and pluripotency program initiation during human preimplantation development

Posted by , on 9 August 2011

Since I was an undergraduate student at the Veterinary School in Milan, and throughout the rest of my scientific career, I have been fascinated with the complexities of mammalian preimplantation ...

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