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developmental and stem cell biologists

Cosy Science London

Posted by , on 28 February 2013

The Company of Biologists is sponsoring the next Cosy Science Meeting.  “Jerky or Smooth: The Evolution of Cancer!”, a talk by David Pellman, will be held on March 13th at ...

This month on the Node: February 2013

Posted by , on 28 February 2013

It was a short month, but a momentous one in the life of the Node: Eva, who set up the site and ran it for the last almost three years, ...

In Development this week (Vol. 140, Issue 6)

Posted by , on 27 February 2013

Here are the highlights from the current issue of Development:   Cofilin and Vangl2 kick start planar cell polarity The planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway orients cells within the plane ...

Bioinformatician (Smith Lab and Hendrich Lab) Wellcome Trust-Medical Research Coucil Cambridge Stem Cell Institute

Posted by , on 26 February 2013

The Wellcome Trust – Medical Research Council Stem Cell Institute provides outstanding scientists with the opportunity and resources to undertake ground-breaking research into the fundamental properties of mammalian stem cells. ...


Posted by , on 21 February 2013

Today was my last day as Community Manager for the Node, so this is goodbye from me! I’ve had a great time these past three years, setting up the site ...

myIDP (Individual Development Plan) by Science Careers

Posted by , on 21 February 2013

The myIDP (Individual Development Plan)  is career aptitude test and career planning site for scientists developed by Science Careers. I recently changed careers, starting my own scientific writing company after ...

Breakthrough Prize floors winners with sheer amount of money

Posted by , on 20 February 2013

Eleven biologists received some unbelievable news this week: They will each receive 3 MILLION dollars from a newly established award. The Breakthrough Prize was founded by Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) , ...

Image competition: stem cells

Posted by , on 20 February 2013

In a journal like Development, full of beautiful immunofluorescence images of developing tissues and organisms, it’s quite rare that a picture of stem cells stands out from an aesthetic point ...

Mouse Molecular Genetics: Save the date 18-21 September 2013

Posted by , on 19 February 2013

We are pleased to announce that the 26th annual Mouse Molecular Genetics meeting will be held at the Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, from 18 to 21 September 2013. This meeting ...

Cover winner: mouse confocal

Posted by , on 19 February 2013

We have a winner! This colourful image quickly took the lead, and stayed there. It will appear on the cover of Development soon. This confocal image (extended focus Z stack) ...

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