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developmental and stem cell biologists

Towards a mechanistic understanding of branching innovations in plant evolution.

Posted by , on 29 April 2015

Jill Harrison and Yoan Coudert.   The conquest of land by plants was one of the most significant events in our planet’s history, and was underpinned by a series of ...

BSDB/BSCB Spring meeting 2015, meeting report

Posted by , on 28 April 2015

A couple of weeks ago, the BSDB and the BSCB held their annual joint spring meeting at the University of Warwick. The spring meetings are their major annual event and a ...

In Development this week (Vol. 142, Issue 9)

Posted by , on 28 April 2015

Here are the highlights from the current issue of Development:   The light at the end of the tubule Tubular structures, such as kidney tubules or blood vessels, carry out ...

Animal models for studying neural crest development: is the mouse different?

Posted by , on 28 April 2015

In the latest issue of Development, Elias Barriga, Paul Trainor, Marianne Bronner and Roberto Mayor have contributed a Spotlight article that discusses conserved and non-conserved aspects of neural crest development across ...

Discovery of an unexpected function of a protein linked to neurodegenerative diseases

Posted by , on 28 April 2015

A study done on fruit flies and published in Nature Communications reveals that the protein dDsk2, in addition to degrading proteins, also plays a key role in regulating gene expression. ...

The science of the cat in your computer: our journey into crowdfunded sequencing of LilBUB

Posted by , on 27 April 2015

About a year ago – when spending some quality afterwork time on the Internet – me and my benchmate Dario stumbled upon LilBUB. If you’re an internet cat afficionado you’ve probably ...

A response to NIH-RFI on funding policies and sustainability of biomedical research

Posted by , on 24 April 2015

Currently NIH has put out a request for information (RFI) to solicit input from the scientific community regarding “Optimizing Funding Policies and Other Strategies to Improve the Impact and Sustainability ...

Young Embryologist's Network Boston - Looking for speakers

Posted by , on 23 April 2015

The Young Embryologist’s Network is an organization in the UK – you may have seen the recent call for abstracts for the UK annual meeting – that is expanding to ...

Question of the month- CRISPR technology

Posted by , on 23 April 2015

This week a group in China published a paper in Protein & Cell claiming to have genetically edited a human embryo using CRISPR technology. This paper is generating a lot of debate for many ...

(Developmental) Biology around the internet- April 2015

Posted by , on 22 April 2015

Here is April’s round-up of some of the interesting content that we spotted around the internet!   News & Research – There is a growing number of postdocs and not ...

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