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Posted by SeanReagentGenie, on 19 September 2018
Are you an enthusiastic person who has the “start-up” mentality? Do you dream of working with like-minded people & build a leading global company? Are you looking to transition from ...Posted by Svend Dahl-Jensen, on 19 September 2018
Water is a fascinating substance. Its behavior sets a lot of interesting constraints on both how the surface of our world is shaped geologically and how life on said surface ...Posted by ryankerney, on 18 September 2018
Vienna, Austria July 2018 The use of salamanders in regeneration and developmental research has a long history filled with luminaries of the life sciences. Thomas Hunt Morgan, ...Posted by Sarah McMenamin, on 18 September 2018
Position Description The Boston College Biology Department seeks outstanding candidates for a tenure-track faculty position in the area of Cell and Developmental Biology. Applicants are sought at the Assistant Professor ...Posted by dparichy, on 14 September 2018
The University of Virginia invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the Department of Biology. We seek applicants who have a research vision that addresses new or longstanding ...Posted by Fabienne Poulain, on 10 September 2018
The Department of Biological Sciences at the University of South Carolina invites applications for a tenure-track position as an Assistant Professor with a research program in neurobiology. The successful candidate ...Posted by Andreas Prokop, on 6 September 2018
BBSRC funded postdoc position in the laboratory of Natalia Sánchez-Soriano (, to study the cell biology of neuronal ageing and the underlying mechanisms. On this project you will ...Posted by preLights CoB, on 5 September 2018
Welcome to our monthly summary of developmental biology (and related) preLights. preLighters are early-career researchers who select and highlight preprints which they feel are interesting for the life-science community. ...Posted by Katherine Brown, on 5 September 2018
Last week, Development and our sister journal Journal of Cell Science signed an open letter coordinated by ASAPbio, signalling our intention to publish peer review reports alongside published papers. I’m ...Posted by Schattschneider Sylvia, on 5 September 2018
The Developmental Biology Unit seeks to understand the general principles and mechanisms underlying the development of multicellular organisms. Researchers in the unit combine the power of genetic model organisms with ...