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Posted by Kat Arney, on 8 October 2020
In this episode we’re taking a road trip from Philadelphia to Baltimore, exploring stories of chromosomal cut-and-paste, cancer cures and Henrietta Lacks’ incredible cancer cells.Posted by Sharon Ahmad, on 6 October 2020
Journal of Cell Science, published by The Company of Biologists, is seeking enthusiastic and motivated applicants for the role of Features & Reviews Editor. Joining an experienced and successful team, ...Posted by Sharon Ahmad, on 6 October 2020
Journal of Cell Science and its publisher The Company of Biologists are seeking to appoint a new Community Manager to run our newly launched microscopy community website, FocalPlane. This is initially ...Posted by Sarah Childs, on 6 October 2020
The Childs lab studies developmental angiogenesis and vascular stabilization using the zebrafish model. We are looking for an outstanding postdoc to probe the mechanism of genetic vascular malformation development. We ...Posted by Michael Perry, on 6 October 2020
We seek an outstanding postdoctoral candidate to join the Perry lab at the University of California, San Diego. Our group uses genetic and genomic approaches to study the development ...Posted by sjm41, on 5 October 2020
We are seeking to recruit a new member to our team at the University of Cambridge to contribute to the FlyBase Drosophila database ( A large and growing community of ...Posted by Nadine Hamze, on 2 October 2020
The Graduate School Life Science Munich (LSM) offers an international doctoral programme to motivated and academically qualified next generation researchers at one of Europe’s top Universities. LSM members are internationally ...Posted by the Node, on 2 October 2020
Updated 2 October We’ve had over 400 registrations already! For those attending, this post has been updated with an order of play for the day, and the webinar homepage has ...Posted by Rashmi Priya, on 2 October 2020
A postdoctoral position (fully-funded for 4 years) is available in the laboratory of Dr. Rashmi Priya at the Francis Crick institute. Dr Priya’s laboratory focuses on the mechano-molecular control of ...Posted by Grace Lim, on 1 October 2020
The cytoskeletal filament network within our cells underpins the functionality of virtually all cellular processes. Apart from conferring a structural framework giving cells their unique shapes, the cytoskeleton also regulates ...