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Posted by Justus Kebschull, on 5 August 2020
A position for a postdoc is available in the Kebschull Lab at the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, MD, for a start ...Posted by nanthwal, on 5 August 2020
Jaw joints, in most vertebrate animals that have them, form between a bone in the head called the quadrate and one in the mandible called the articular. The mandibles (lower ...Posted by Jennifer DeAlteris, on 4 August 2020
Position Summary: The MBL is seeking a candidate for the position of Postdoctoral Scientist in the laboratory of Dr. Blair Paul to investigate physical interactions among uncultivated microbial symbioses from ...Posted by Johanna, on 4 August 2020
Pregenerate GmbH is hiring in Vienna #Biotechnology #Imaging #Arthritis research # Drug discovery # Vienna # Machine learning #Cell differentiation assay #Organ-on-a-chip #Biotechnology #Microfluidic #EVOS7000 #personalized medicine #Automation #Liquid Handling ...Posted by the Node, on 4 August 2020
Welcome to our monthly trawl for developmental biology (and related) preprints. This month features a host of preprints on human development at the single cell level (perhaps all submitted in ...Posted by Irene Yan, on 3 August 2020
Two postdoc positions are available at the Laboratory of the Biochemistry of Cell Signalling, University of São Paulo’s Institute of Chemistry, Brazil. The main goal of the laboratory is ...Posted by Jennifer DeAlteris, on 30 July 2020
A postdoctoral research position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Kristin Gribble at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA. The interests of the lab include the mechanisms and ...Posted by CCHMC_DB, on 30 July 2020
The new Center for Stem Cell & Organoid Medicine (CuSTOM) at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) is launching a major new initiative to recruit outstanding tenure-track or tenured faculty ...Posted by Kat Arney, on 30 July 2020
In the latest episode of Genetics Unzipped, Kat Arney looks at the ancient war between our genes and the pathogens that infect us.Posted by Michael Heide, on 27 July 2020
By Michael Heide and Wieland B. Huttner Introduction The neocortex is the seat of our higher cognitive abilities that distinguish us from other mammals and that make us human ...