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Posted by the Node Interviews, on 27 May 2020
This interview, the 76th in our series, was published in Development earlier this year. Interneurons are crucial to cortical function and their dysregulation has been implicated in various neurological pathologies, ...Posted by Chen Luxenburg, on 25 May 2020
The group of Chen Luxenburg at the Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, invites applications for a PhD student position. Our laboratory is looking for excellent and highly motivated ...Posted by AlessandroDonada, on 25 May 2020
Today, we move to mouse adult haematopoiesis, with an elegant work on inflammation and stem cell biology. As always, feedback is more than welcome! Chronic inflammation is one of the ...Posted by Jorge Dominguez, on 21 May 2020
The group of Dr. Krishna Bhat at University of South Florida, Tampa, is searching for postdoc candidates interested in our areas of research: Determining the genetic basis for the ...Posted by Katherine Brown, on 21 May 2020
Among many other (many more important) things, pandemic times have meant an end to travel, which for the Development team means no conferences and no lab visits. For me personally, ...Posted by Kat Arney, on 21 May 2020
Kat Arney reflects on the life and work of Dame Anne McLaren, one of the leading embryologists of the 20th century.Posted by Alex Eve, on 19 May 2020
In pre-COVID19 times, back when conferences happened largely in person, early-career researchers (ECRs) often asked me how they could get more direct invitations to be a reviewer. Peer review is ...Posted by the Node, on 19 May 2020
We’ve had a great response so far to our tenth birthday user survey, which we hope will guide us going forwards and give us ideas for how we can better ...Posted by AlessandroDonada, on 18 May 2020
Hi there! Today’s highlight is focusing on a major question for the haematology community: what is causing blood stem cell heterogeneity? Please do not hesitate to let me know your ...Posted by Sudipto, on 18 May 2020
Perhaps the most exciting aspect of attending any scientific meeting is the privilege of becoming aware of novel research findings in our fields of interest, prior to their appearance in ...