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Posted by BSDB, on 19 February 2019
The BSDB Archive covers 70 years of our society’s history, providing deep insights into its early years, its long trail of scientific conferences, workshops and committee meetings; it includes an ...Posted by Oli Tills, on 5 February 2019
Tills O, Spicer JI, Grimmer A, Marini S, Jie VW, Tully E, Rundle SD. 2018. A high-throughput and open-source platform for embryo phenomics. PLOS Biology, 16:1-19. Background A seasoned ...Posted by Gautam Dey, on 31 January 2019
A team of preLights selectors respond to a meta-analysis of bioRxiv preprints. Gautam Dey, Zhang-He Goh, Lars Hubatsch, Maiko Kitaoka, Robert Mahen, Máté Palfy, Connor Rosen and Samantha Seah* *all ...Posted by Kat Arney, on 31 January 2019
In the latest episode of Genetics Unzipped, Kat Arney is exploring some more of the leading 100 ideas in genetics. She’s been digging around in the genetic vegetable patch in ...Posted by Kat Arney, on 17 January 2019
In the latest episode of Genetics Unzipped, Kat Arney is reporting back from the Genetics Society’s Autumn meeting – Genotype to Phenotype to Fitness – asking whether street smart city-dwelling birds ...Posted by Kat Arney, on 10 January 2019
Genetics Unzipped – a new fortnightly podcast from the UK Genetics Society – has launched ahead of the society’s centenary celebrations throughout 2019. Presented by award-winning science writer and ...Posted by Molecular Biologist, on 4 October 2018 is proud to support researchers with travel grants up to £500. The Award: Each quarter, offers a travel grant up to £500 to help cover the cost of ...Posted by rrb, on 4 October 2018
Soon after the rediscovery of Mendel’s laws of inheritance in plants, French scientist Lucien Cuénot published a paper in 1902, reporting his studies of the inheritance of pigmentation in the ...Posted by IMPC, on 28 September 2018
The entire genome of many species has now been sequenced, but the function of the majority of genes still remains unknown. This is where the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC) ...Posted by Helena Jambor, on 6 August 2018
When reading about co-evolution of prey and predators, I stumbled across a cute new plot type: a half boxplot, half dot plot to show data distributions. Wilson used ...