News from FocalPlane
Posted by Helen Zenner, on 13 May 2024
FocalPlane features… open microscopy and accessible workflow
Open microscopy projects are flourishing with researchers contributing new technology and accessible workflows with the hope of democratising access to microscopy. In our upcoming webinar on Thursday 16 May at 15:00 BST, we’ll be hearing from Richard Bowman, Jan Huisken and Dumisile Lumkwana about three very different projects, OpenFlexure, Flamingo and VP-CLEM-KIT.

Richard will speak about OpenFlexure Microscopes, which are open-source optical microscopes that are built using 3D printed components and off the shelf components. You can read about the OpenFlexure microscope here.
Jan will discuss the Flamingo project. Flamingos are modular light sheet microscopy setups, which flip the concept of core microscopy facilities allowing the team to move custom advanced microscopes to the samples instead of taking samples to a core facility.
Dumi will discuss VP-CLEM-KIT, a new low-cost pipeline to support users to access high resolution volume correlative light-electron microscopy.
FocalPlane-elmi2024 image competition
The deadline for entries for the FocalPlane-elmi204 has been extended until 21 May 2024. We would be delighted to receive entries from all imaging modalities, and you don’t need to be attending elmi2024 to enter. The winning entry, which will be selected by public vote following shortlisting by the elmi2024 organising committee, will be featured as the cover image on an upcoming issue of Journal of Cell Science.