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developmental and stem cell biologists

SciArt profiles

SciArt profiles

A series in which we profile scientists who do art (and occasionally artists who dabble in science).

Recent posts

SciArt profiles: Elisabeth Kugler

Posted by , on 28 July 2021

In our ninth SciArt Profile of the series, we meet Elisabeth Kugler, a scientist at the interface of biology and biomedical image analysis, who is currently a Postdoc at the …
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SciArt Profiles: Marzia Munafò

Posted by , on 30 April 2021

Our eighth profile features the Rome-based epigenetics postdoc and digital illustrator

SciArt profiles: Dorotea Fracchiolla

Posted by , on 12 April 2021

“Art depicts the core message and makes it simple for the eye to grasp”

SciArt profiles: Eva Pillai

Posted by , on 26 February 2021

In our sixth excursion into the overlap between science and art we meet Eva Pillai, a postdoc in Kristian Franze’s lab at the University of Cambridge.   Where are you …

SciArt profiles: Sofia Araújo

Posted by , on 19 February 2021

In our fifth SciArt Profile we meet Sofia Araújo, a Professor in the University of Barcelona.   Where are you originally from, where do you work now, and what do …

SciArt profiles: Priyanka Oberoi

Posted by , on 12 February 2021

In our fourth SciArt Profile we meet Priyanka Oberoi, an illustrator, artist and photographer whose work often features scientific themes.

SciArt gallery

Know a talented SciArtist? We’re always on the look out for new people to profile (and welcome self-nominations)

Related content

Check out our SciArt tag for a variety of posts on the intersection of art and science from the archive.

Our full archive going back to 2010 is filterable by category, tag and date.

Updated on 25 July 2023